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2005-2010,University of California at Santa Cruz, Ph.D. (Environmental Studies)

2002-2005,北京大学,理学硕士 (生态学)

1998-2002,北京大学,理学学士 (环境学)




2012-2014,博士后,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

2011-2012,博士后,Cornell University

2010-2011,博士后,University of California at Santa Cruz





Secretary of Asian Ecology Section, Ecological Society of America, 2017-present, http://asian.esa.org/


















博士后:井新(2015-2017),University of Vermont, USA (Postdoc Fellow)




博士后:欢迎随时联系,更多信息,请关注 https://postdocs.pku.edu.cn/index.htm

研究生欢迎随时联系,更多信息,请关注 http://www.ues.pku.edu.cn/yanjiusheng/index.php



主要从事全球变化生态学和土壤生态学的研究。通过生态系统生态学、生物地球化学、稳定同位素生态学、气候变化科学等多学科手段,结合野外调查取样与定位实验、温室和生长箱的控制实验、以及室内分析与模型模拟等方法,研究中国重要森林和草地生态系统的地下碳循环过程(根系分泌物和周转、土壤有机质分解和形成、养分循环等)对全球变化(比如温度升高、降水格局改变、氮沉降增加和土地利用变化)的响应和反馈,为我国制定应对全球变化的政策与实践提供理论支持。(1) Plant-soil interactions (particularly rhizosphere carbon and nutrient cycling) and global change; (2) Plant traits (particularly root and fungal traits) and ecosystem processes; and (3) Deep soil carbon dynamics (in alpine grassland ecosystems) and climate change.




2017-2019,国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目,中国陆地植被的时空格局与生态功能 31621091参与

2017-2020,国家重点研发计划项目,陆地生态系统碳源汇监测技术及指标体系 2017YFC0503900参与


发表论文清单(*通讯作者) Google scholar

Tang M, Cheng WX, Zeng H, Zhu B*. 2019. Light intensity controls rhizosphere respiration rate and rhizosphere priming effect of soybean and sunflower. Rhizosphere 9:97-105.

Tang M, Keck DC, Cheng WX, Zeng H, Zhu B*. 2019. Linking rhizosphere respiration rate of three grassland species with root nitrogen concentration. Geoderma 346:84-90.

Tan WB, Xi BD*, Wang GA, He XS, Gao RT, Jiang J, Zhu B*. 2019. Microbial-accessibility-dependent electron shuttling of in situ solid-phase organic matter in soils. Geoderma 338:1-4.

Jing X, Chen X, Xiao W, Lin L, Wang C, He JS, Zhu B*. 2018. Soil enzymatic responses to multiple environmental drivers in the Tibetan grasslands: Insights from two manipulative field experiments and a meta-analysis. Pedobiologia 71:50-58.

Chen X, Ding ZJ, Tang M, Zhu B*. 2018. Greater variations of rhizosphere effects within mycorrhizal group than between mycorrhizal group in a temperate forest. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 126:237-246.

Feng JG, Wang JS, Song YJ, Zhu B*. 2018. Patterns of soil respiration and its temperature sensitivity in grassland ecosystems across China. Biogeosciences 15:5329-5341.

Xiao W, Chen X, Jing X, Zhu B*. 2018. A meta-analysis of soil extracellular enzyme activities in response to global change. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 123:21-32.

Yin LM, Dijkstra FA, Wang P*, Zhu B*, Cheng WX. 2018. Rhizosphere priming effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics among tree species with and without intraspecific competition. New Phytologist 218:1036-1048.

Castanha C, Zhu B*, Hicks Pries CE, Georgiou K, Torn MS. 2018. The effects of heating, rhizosphere, and depth on root litter decomposition are mediated by soil moisture. Biogeochemistry 137:267-279.

Hicks Pries CE*, Sulman BN, West C, O`Neill C, Poppleton E, Porras RC, Castanha C, Zhu B, Wiedemeier DB, Torn MS. 2018. Root litter decomposition slows with soil depth. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 125:103-114.

Liu HY, Mi ZR, Lin L, Wang YH, Zhang ZH, Zhang FW, Wang H, Liu LL, Zhu B, Cao GM, Zhao XQ, Sanders NJ, Classen AT, Reich PR, He JS*. 2018. Shifting plant species composition in response to climate change stabilizes grassland primary production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115:4051-4056.

Jiang L*, Tian D, Ma SH, Zhou XL, Xu LC, Zhu JX, Jing X, Zheng CY, Shen HH, Zhou Z, Li YD, Zhu B, Fang JY. 2018. The response of tree growth to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in a tropical montane rainforest. Science of the Total Environment 618:1064-1070.

Jing X, Chen X, Tang M, Ding ZJ, Jiang L, Li P, Ma SH, Tian D, Xu LC, Zhu JX, Ji CJ, Shen HH, Zheng CY, Fang JY, Zhu B*. 2017. Nitrogen deposition has minor effect on soil extracellular enzyme activities in six Chinese forests. Science of the Total Environment 607-608:806-815.

Tan WB, Wang GA, Huang CH, Gao RT, Xi BD*, Zhu B*. 2017. Physico-chemical protection, rather than biochemical composition, governs the responses of soil organic carbon decomposition to nitrogen addition in a temperate agroecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 598:282-288.

Tian D, Jiang L, Ma SH, Fang WJ, Schmid B, Xu LC, Zhu JX, Li P, Losapio G, Jing X, Zheng CY, Shen HH, Zhu B, Fang JY*. 2017. Effects of nitrogen deposition on soil microbial communities in temperate and subtropical forests in China. Science of the Total Environment 607-608:1367-1375.

Tian D, Li P, Fang WJ, Xu J, Luo YK, Yan ZB, Zhu B, Wang JJ, Xu XN, Fang JY*. 2017. Growth responses of trees and understory plants to nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical forest in China. Biogeosciences 14:3461-3469.

Zhu JX, Zhou XL, Fang WJ, Xiong XY, Zhu B, Ji CJ, Fang JY*. 2017. Plant debris and its contribution to ecosystem carbon storage in successional Larix gmelinii forests in northeastern China. Forests 8, 191; doi: 10.3390/f8060191

Jing X, Yang XX, Ren F, Zhou HK, Zhu B*, He JS*. 2016. Neutral effect of nitrogen addition and negative effect of phosphorus addition on topsoil extracellular enzymatic activities in an alpine grassland ecosystem. Applied Soil Ecology 107:205-213.

Lin L, Zhu B, Chen CR, Zhang ZH, Wang QB*, He JS*. 2016. Precipitation overrides warming in mediating soil nitrogen pools in an alpine grassland ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports 6:31438|DOI: 10.1038/srep31438.

Hu XK, Liu LL, Zhu B, Du EZ, Hu XY, Li P, Zhou Z, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Shen HH, Fang JY*. 2016. Asynchronous responses of soil carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide emissions and net nitrogen mineralization to enhanced fine root input. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 92:67-78.

Zhu B, Panke-Buisse K, Kao-Kniffin J*. 2015. Nitrogen fertilization has minimal influence on rhizosphere effects of smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum) and bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon). Journal of Plant Ecology 8:390-400.

Pang XY#, Zhu B#, Lü XT, Cheng WX*. 2015. Labile substrate availability controls temperature sensitivity of organic carbon decomposition at different soil depths. Biogeochemistry 126:85-98. [# Equal contributions]

Lin JJ#, Zhu B#, Cheng WX*. 2015. Decadally cycling soil carbon is more sensitive to warming than faster-cycling soil carbon. Global Change Biology 21:4602-4612. [# Equal contributions]

Liu BT, Li HB, Zhu B, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM, Guo DL*. 2015. Complementarity in nutrient foraging strategies of absorptive fine roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi across 14 coexisting subtropical tree species. New Phytologist 208:125-136.

Torn MS*, Chabbi A, Crill P, Hanson PJ, Janssens IA, Luo Y, Pries CH, Rumpel C, Schmidt MWI, Six J, Schrumpf M, Zhu B. 2015. A call for international soil experiment networks for studying, predicting, and managing global change impacts. SOIL 1:575-582.

Zhu B*, Gutknecht JLM, Herman DJ, Keck DC, Firestone MK, Cheng WX. 2014. Rhizosphere priming effects on soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 76:183-192.

Ma YC, Zhu B, Sun ZZ, Yang Y, Piao SL*. 2014. The effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on extracellular enzyme activities of litter and soil among different-aged stands of larch. Journal of Plant Ecology 7:240-249.

Torn MS*, Kleber M, Zavaleta ES, Zhu B, Field CB, Trumbore SE. 2013. A dual isotope approach to isolate soil carbon pools of different turnover times. Biogeosciences 10:8067-8081.

Kao-Kniffin J*, Zhu B. 2013. A microbial link between elevated CO2 and methane emissions that is plant species-specific. Microbial Ecology 66:621-629.

Yang YH*, Ji CJ, Robinson D, Zhu B, Fang HJ, Shen HH, Fang JY. 2013. Vegetation and soil 15N natural abundance in alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau: patterns and implications. Ecosystems 16:1013-1024.

Zhu B*, Cheng WX. 2013. Impacts of drying-wetting cycles on rhizosphere respiration and soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 63:89-96.

Pang XY, Bao WK*, Zhu B, Cheng WX. 2013. Responses of soil respiration and its temperature sensitivity to thinning in a pine plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 171-172:57-64.

Pausch J*, Zhu B, Kuzyakov Y, Cheng WX. 2013. Plant inter-species effects on rhizosphere priming of soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 57:91-99.

Shen ZH*, Fei SL, Feng JM, Liu YN, Liu ZL, Tang ZY, Wang XP, Wu SP, Zheng CY, Zhu B, Fang JY. 2012. Geographical patterns of community-based tree species richness in Chinese mountain forests: the effects of contemporary climate and regional history. Ecography 35:1134-1146.

Piao SL*, Tan K, Nan HJ, Ciais P, Fang JY, Wang T, Vuichard N, Zhu B. 2012. Impacts of climate and CO2 changes on the vegetation growth and carbon balance of Qinghai-Tibetan grasslands over the past five decades. Global and Planetary Change 98-99:73-80.

Piao SL*, Ito A, Li SG, Huang Y, Ciais P, Wang XH, Peng SS, Nan SJ, Zhao C, Ahlström A, Andres RJ, Chevallier F, Fang JY, Hartmann J, Huntingford C, Jeong S, Levis S, Levy PE, Li JS, Lomas MR, Mao JF, Mayorga E, Mohammat A, Muraoka H, Peng CH, Peylin P, Poulter B, Shen ZH, Shi X, Sitch S, Tao S, Tian HQ, Wu XP, Xu M, Yu GR, Viovy N, Zaehle S, Zeng N, Zhu B. 2012. The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia over the last two decades. Biogeosciences 9:3571-3586.

Zhu B*, Cheng WX. 2012. Nodulated soybean enhances rhizosphere priming effects on soil organic matter decomposition more than non-nodulated soybean. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 51:56-65.

Zhu B*, Cheng WX. 2011. Rhizosphere priming effect increases the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition. Global Change Biology 17:2172-2183.

Zhu B*, Cheng WX. 2011. Constant and diurnally-varying temperature regimes lead to different temperature sensitivities of soil organic carbon decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43:866-869.

Zhu B*, Cheng WX. 2011. 13C isotope fractionation during rhizosphere respiration of C3 and C4 plants. Plant and Soil 342:277-287.

Piao SL*, Wang XH, Ciais P, Zhu B, Wang T, Liu J. 2011. Changes in satellite-derived vegetation growth trend in temperate and boreal Eurasia from 1982 to 2006. Global Change Biology 17:3228-3239.

Wang Y, Fang JY*, Kato T, Guo ZD, Zhu B, Mo WH, Tang YH. 2011. Inventory-based estimation of aboveground net primary production in Japan’s forests from 1980 to 2005. Biogeosciences 8:2099-2106.

Zhu B, Wang XP, Fang JY*, Piao SL, Shen HH, Zhao SQ, Peng CH. 2010. Altitudinal changes in carbon storage of temperate forests on Mt Changbai, Northeast China. Journal of Plant Research 123:439-452.

Piao SL*, Friedlingstein P, Ciais P, Peylin P, Zhu B, Reichstein M. 2009. Footprint of temperature changes in the temperate and boreal forest carbon balance. Geophysical Research Letters 36, L07404, doi:10.1029/2009GL037381.

Peng CH*, Zhou XL, Zhao SQ, Wang XP, Zhu B, Piao SL, Fang JY. 2009. Quantifying the response of forest carbon balance to future climate change in Northeastern China: Model validation and prediction. Global and Planetary Change 66:179-194.

Wang XP, Fang JY*, Zhu B. 2008. Forest biomass and root-shoot allocation in northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management 255:4007-4020.

Yang YH, Fang JY*, Tang YH, Ji CJ, Zheng CY, He JS, Zhu B. 2008. Storage, patterns, and controls of soil organic carbon in the Tibetan grasslands. Global Change Biology 14:1592-1599.

Fang JY*, Liu GH, Zhu B, Wang XK, Liu SH. 2007. Carbon budgets of three temperate forest ecosystems in Dongling Mt., Beijing, China. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 50:92-101.

Wang XP, Fang JY*, Tang ZY, Zhu B. 2006. Climatic control of primary forest structure and DBH-height allometry in Northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management 234:264-274.

Piao SL, Fang JY*, Zhou LM, Ciais P, Zhu B. 2006. Variations in satellite-derived phenology in China`s temperate vegetation. Global Change Biology 12:672-685.

Piao SL, Fang JY*, Zhu B, Tan K. 2005. Forest biomass carbon stocks in China over the past 2 decades: estimation based on integrated inventory and satellite data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 110, G01006, doi:10.1029/2005JG000014.

Piao SL, Fang JY*, Zhou LM, Zhu B, Tan K, Tao S. 2005. Changes in vegetation net primary productivity from 1982 to 1999 in China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19, GB2027, doi:10.1029/2004GB002274.

Piao SL, Fang JY*, Liu HY, Zhu B. 2005. NDVI-indicated decline in desertification in China in the past two decades. Geophysical Research Letters 32, L06402, doi:10.1029/2004GL021764.

吴鹏,王襄平*, 张新平,朱彪,周海城,方精云. 2016. 东北地区森林凋落叶分解速率与气候、林型、林分光照的关系. 生态学报 38(8):2223-2232.

姚凡云*朱彪杜恩在. 2012. 15N自然丰度法在陆地生态系统氮循环研究中的应用. 植物生态学报 36(4):346-352.

张新平,王襄平,朱彪,宗占江,彭长辉,方精云*. 2008. 我国东北主要森林类型的凋落物产量及其影响因素. 植物生态学报32(5):1031-1040.

方精云*,刘国华,朱彪,王效科,刘绍辉. 2006. 北京东灵山三种温带森林生态系统的碳循环. 中国科学D (地球科学) 36(6):533-543.

杨元合*,饶胜,胡会峰,陈安平,吉成均,朱彪,左闻韵,李轩然,沈海花,王志恒,唐艳鸿,方精云. 青藏高原高寒草地植物物种丰富度及其与环境因子和生物量的关系. 生物多样性 12(1):200-205.

吴晓莆*朱彪,赵淑清,朴世龙,方精云. 东北地区阔叶红松林的群落结构及其物种多样性比较. 生物多样性 12(1):174-181.

赵淑清*,方精云,宗占江,朱彪,沈海花. 长白山北坡植物群落组成、结构及物种多样性的垂直分布. 生物多样性 12(1):164-173.

方精云*,李意德,朱彪,刘国华,周光益. 海南岛尖峰岭山地雨林的群落结构、物种多样性以及在世界雨林中的地位. 生物多样性 12(1):29-43.

朱彪*,陈安平,刘增力,方精云. 2004. 南岭东西段植物群落物种组成及其树种多样性垂直格局的比较. 生物多样性 12(1):53-62.

朱彪*,陈安平,刘增力,李光照,方精云. 2004. 广西猫儿山植物群落物种组成、群落结构及树种多样性的垂直分布格局. 生物多样性 12(1):44-52.