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生态学讲座 | Flourishing within Limits to Growth

Flourishing within Limits to Growth

报告人:Prof.Brian Fath

日期:  2023年12月22日(星期五)

时间:  10:00– 11:00



Decades of research and discussion have shown that an increase in human population and our consumption of natural resources cannot continue – there are limits to growth.  Developments in systems ecology have discovered basic ecological principles that demonstrate how living systems are able to continue to increase in complexity, diversity, and information, in spite of their given biophysical constraints. One goal is to learn from these ecological insights to modify and revise our economic systems using nature as a model – a form of holistic ecomimcry. This presentation draws on systems ecology, network analysis, and recent projections of human world population to give hope about changes that may lead to win–win situations. In other words, we can learn from nature how to develop a society that can flourish within the limits to growth with better conditions for prosperity and well-being.


Brain Fath教授,现任美国Towson大学生命科学学院教授、国际应用系统分析研究所(IIASA)资深研究员、暑期青年研究者项目(YSSP)协调员与导师。长期致力于生态系统生态学、生态建模理论、生态网络分析方法及可持续发展科学的科研和教学。国际生态模型学会(ISEM)秘书长、北美地区主席。2016年普利高津奖章得主。Ecological Modelling(《生态模型》)期刊前主编、现任约根森(Jørgensen)特邀综述专栏编辑。担任Handbook of Environmental Management、Encyclopedia of Ecology 等多本权威辞书主编。多本著作作为生态学经典专著和教材引进国内影印和翻译。发表学术论文和出版物作品170余篇。