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SCHMID Bernhard studied biology at the University of Zürich where he received his PhD degree in 1980. After postdoctoral stays in North Wales and at Harvard University he was Professor of Conservation Biology at the University of Basel before becoming Professor of Environmental Sciences and founding director of the corresponding Institute at the University of Zürich. Since 2018 he is part time at the Department of Geography, University of Zurich, and at the Institute of Ecology, Peking University. His main research interests are experimental plant ecology and biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. He is involved in several large-scale biodiversity experiments.


Education experience

1987–88  Habilitation, Botanical Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland (Habilitation awarded based on publication list in summer 1988)

1977–80  PhD, Inst. for Systematic Botany, University of Zurich; thesis title "Carex flava L. s.l. im Lichte der r-Selektion" (PhD degree awarded summer 1980, no marks)

1972–76  Diploma studies in Biology and for High-School teacher, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Diploma in Botany summer 1976, with Distinction; Diploma for High Scholl Teacher summer 1976)

1968–72  Teachers training college, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland (Teacher's Certificate spring 1972)

Work experience

2018–            Adjunct Professor, Institute of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, China

2018–            Professor of Environmental Sciences, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

2014–2016    Dean of Faculty of Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland

2013–2014  Visiting Professor, Institute of Botany, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists.

2010–2018    Professor of Environmental Sciences, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland

2009–2018    Guest professorship Peking University.

2009–2013    Vice-Dean of Faculty of Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland

1994–2009  Professor of Environmental Sciences and Director of Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland

1992–1994    Professor of Conservation Biology, University of Basel, Switzerland

1987–1992  Research-group leader supported by Swiss National Science Foundation (START program), Botanical Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland

1984–1987    Postdoc, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, USA

1981–1983    Postdoc, School of Plant Biology, University College of North Wales, Bangor, UK

The academic office

Editorial Board

Gaia (1994–2010), Oecologia (1995–2013), Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (since 1997), Basic and Applied Ecology (since 2004), Journal of Plant Ecology (Editor in Chief, since 2008), eLife (since 2016).


2017–           Steering Committee of “bioDISCOVERY“, a “Future Earth” project

2017–           Committee “Forschungsnetzwerke” of the Swiss Academy of Sciences

2015–           Advisory Board of the German “Biodiversity Exporatories”

2015–           Advisory Board of the German “iDIV” Biodiversity Center

2014–           Steering Committee “BEF-China”, a Chinese-German-Swiss project

2012–           Steering Committee “Global Change Experimental Facility”, UFZ-Leipzig

2010–           Member Faculty of 1000

2009–           Scientific Committee of the French CRNS “Ecotrons”, Montpellier

2005–2008 “Forschungskommission / Gemeinsame Kommission Exzellenzinitiative” of German Science Foundation DFG

2005–2012    Member of Research Council Swiss National Science Foundation (member of board of presidents 2008–2012)

2001–2004    Steering Committee DIVERSITAS (2001 Co-Chair)

1998–            Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (president 2003/4)

1993–2001    Environmental Science Commission of Swiss University Conference

1991–1999    Swiss Commission for Biology (President 1993–1999)

1989–2009    42 supervised Diploma theses

2007–2018    54 supervised Master’s theses

1992–2019    77 supervised Doctoral theses

1994–2018    38 supervised Postdocs

1998–2011    10 supervised Habilitation theses

Of the above, up to now 37 went on to pursue academic careers, including 23 who have become professors at universities.

Research Areas and Projects

Research Areas:

Plant decision making; Plant growth and competition; Invasion biology; Ecology and genetics of small populations; Life-history evolution of clonal organisms; Transgene x environment interactions; Evolutionary plant genetics and epigenetics; Mechanisms of plant competition and coexistence; Plant–animal interactions; Community assembly; Community genetics and evolution; Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships

Major integrated long-term projects:

URPP-GCB               A University of Zurich Research Priority Program on Global Change and Biodiversity

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Jena Experiment      A large grassland biodiversity–ecosystem functioning project

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BEF-China:               The largest forest biodiversity–ecosystem functioning project

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Recent individual projects:

2016–2018Research project “Fundamental biological causes of changing plant diversity–productivity relationships” of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

2016–2018Research project “Exploring mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning” of the German Science Foundation.

2010–2016Research project “Community history and ecosystem functioning” of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

2011–2015Research project “The role of tree and shrub diversity for production, erosion control, element cycling, and species conservation in Chinese subtropical forest ecosystems” of the German Science Foundation.

2013–      University Research Priority Programme “Global Change and Biodiversity”, University of Zurich (co-chair).

2013–2016Research project “Diversity and primary productivity in subtropical forests—fixing carbon to mitigate climate change”, an ITN of the EU.

2013–2016Research project “Exploring mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning” of the German Science Foundation.

Updated 8 October 2019

Key to symbols: Reviews R, Book Chapters BC, Principal Investigator PI, Student S, Co-researcher C, Technician/Laboratory Assistant T.

Original publications

400 Barry, K.E. PI, de Kroon, H. C, Dietrich, P. C, Harpole S. C, Roeder, A. C, Schmid, B. C, Clark, A.T. C, Mayfield, M.M. C, Wagg, C. C, Roscher, C. C (2019). Linking local species coexistence to ecosystem functioning: a conceptual framework from ecological first principles in grassland ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research, in press.

399 Barry, K.E. PI, Mommer, L. C, van Ruijven, J. C, Wirth, C. C, Wright, A.J. C, Bai, Y. C, Connolly, J. C, De Deyn, G.B. C, de Kroon, H. C, Isbell, F. C, Milcu, A. C, Roscher, C. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Weigelt, A. PI (2019). The future of complementarity: disentangling causes from consequences. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34: 167-180.

398 Barry, K.E. PI, Weigelt, A. C, van Ruijven, J. C, Beierkuhnlein, C. C, Buchmann, N. C, de Kroon, H. C, Guimares-Steinicke, C. C, Isbell, F. C, Milcu, A. C, Nesshöver, C., Roscher, C. C, Sauheitl, L. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. C, von Felten, S. C, Mommer, L. PI (2019). Spatial resource partitioning does not predict enhanced ecosystem functioning: a meta-analysis of grassland biodiversity experiments. Ecology, in press.

397 Bongers, F. PI, Schmid, B. C, Sun, Z. S, Li, Y. C, Härdtle, W. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Li, Y. S, Li, S. C, Staab, M. C, Ma, K. PI, Liu, X. PI (2019). Growth–trait relationships in subtropical forest are stronger at higher diversity. Journal of Ecology, in press.

396 Bruelheide, H. PI, Chen, Y. S, Huang, Y. S, Ma, K. PI, Niklaus. P.A. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2019). Response to Comment on “Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment”. Science 363: eaav9863 (3 pages, DOI: 10.1126/science.aav9863).

395 Clark, A.T. PI, Turnbull, L.A. C, Tredennick, A. C, Allan, E. C, Harpole, W.S. C, Mayfield, M. C, Soliveres, S. C, Barry, K. C, Eisenhauer, N. C, Fischer, M. C, de Kroon, H. C, Meyer, S. C, Rosenbaum, B. C, Wagg, C. C, Weigelt A. C, Feng, Y. C, Roscher, C. C, Schmid, B. C (in revision). Predicting species abundances in a grassland biodiversity experiment: trade-offs between model complexity and generality. Journal of Ecology, in press.

394 Eisenhauer, N. PI, Bonkowski, M. PI, Brose, U. PI, Buscot, F. PI, Durka, W. PI, Ebeling, A. PI, Fischer, M. PI, Gleixner, G. PI, Heintz-Buschart, A. PI, Hines, J. PI, Jesch, A. PI, Lange, M. PI, Meyer, S. PI, Roscher, C. PI, Scheu, S. PI, Schielzeth, H. PI, Schloter, M. PI, Schulz, S. PI, Unsicker, S. PI, van Dam, N.M. PI, Weigelt, A. PI, Weisser, W.W. PI, Wirth, C. PI, Wolf, J. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2019). Biotic interactions, community assembly, and ecoevolutionary dynamics as drivers of long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5: e47042 (33 pages).

393 Eisenhauer, N. PI, Schilzeth, H. C, Barnes, A.D. C, Barry, K. C, Bonn, A. C, Brose, U. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Buchmann, N. C, Buscot, F. C, Ebeling, A. C, Ferlian, O. C, Frescet, G.T. C, Giling, D.P. C, Hättenschwieler, S. C, Hillebrand, H. C, Hindes, H. C, Isbell, F. C, Koller-France, E. C, König-Ries, B. C,de Kroon, H. C, Meyer, S. C, Milcu, A. C, Müller, J. C, Nock, C.A. C, Petermann, J.S. C, Roscher, C. C, Scherber, C. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Schnitzer, S.A. C, Schuldt, A. C, Tscharntke, T. C, Türke, M. C, van Dam, N.M., van der Plas, F., Vogel, A., Wagg, C., Wardle, D.A., Weigelt, A. C, Wiesser, W.W. C, Wirth, C. C, Jochum, M. PI (2019). A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. Advances in Ecological Research, in press.

392 Geng, Y. PI, Ge, Y. C, Luo, B. C, Chen, Z. C, Min, Y. C, Schmid, B. C, Gu, B. C, Chang, J. PI (2019). Plant diversity became more important in N removal when multiple, rather than single N processes were considered in a constructed wetland. Ecological Applications, in press.

391 Guo, Y. S, Schöb, C. C, Ma, W. C, Mohammat, A. C, Liu, H. C, Yu, S. C, Jiang, Y. C, Schmid, B. PI, Tang, Z. PI (2019). Increasing water availability and facilitation weaken biodiversity–biomass relationships in shrublands. Ecology 100(3): e02624 (11 pages).

390 Li, C. S, de Jong, R. C, Schmid, B. C, Wulf, H. C, Schaepman, M.E. PI (2019). Spatial variation of human influences on grassland biomass on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment 665: 678–689.

389 Li, Y. S, Bruelheide, H. C, Scholten, T. C, Schmid, B. C, Sun, Z. S, Zhang, N. C, Bu, W. S, Liu, X. C, Ma, K. PI (2019). Early positive effects of tree species richness on soil organic carbon accumulation in a large-scale forest biodiversity experiment. Journal of Plant Ecology 12: 882-893.

388 Losapio, G. S, Fortuna, M.A. C, Bascompte, J. C, Schmid, B. C, Michalet, R. C, Neumeyer, R. C, Castro, L. C, Cerretti, P. C, Germann, C. C, Haenni, J.-P. C, Klopfstein, S. C, Ortiz, J. C, Pont, A.C. C, Rousse, P. C, Schmid, J. C, Sommattio, D. C, Schöb, C. PI (2019). Plant interactions shape pollination networks via nonadditive effects. Ecology 100(3): e02619 (9 pages).

387 Meinard, Y. PI, Coq, S. C, Schmid, B. C (2019). The vagueness of “biodiversity” and its implications in conservation practice. In: E. Casetta, J. Marques da Silva, D. Vecchi (Eds.), From assessing to conserving biodiversity. SpringerOpen, Cham (Switzerland), pp. 353-374.

386 Schmid, M.W. PI, Hahl, T. S, van Moorsel, S.J. S, Wagg, C. C, de Deyn, G.B. C, Schmid, B. PI (2019). Feedbacks of plant identity and diversity on the diversity and community composition of rhizosphere microbiomes from a long-term biodiversity experiment. Molecular Ecology 28: 863-878.

385 Steidinger, B.S. PI, Crowther, T.W. PI, Liang, J. PI, Van Nuland, M.E. C, Werner, G.D.A. C, Reich, P.B. C, Nabuurs, G. C, De Miguel, S. C, Zhou, M. C, Picard, N. C, Herault, B. C, Zhao, X. C, Zhang, C. C, Routh, D. C, Wiser, S. C, Zhou, M. C, Alberti, G. C, Schulze, E.-D. C, McGuire, A.D. C, Bozzato, F. C, Pretzsch, H. C, de-Miguel, S. C, Paquette, A. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Barrett, C.B. C, Glick, H.B. C, Hengeveld, G.M. C, Pfautsch, S. C, Viana, H. C, Vibrans, A.C. C, Ammer, C. C, Schall, P. C, Verbyla, D. C, Tchebakova, N. C, Fischer, M. C, Watson, J.W. C, Chen, H. Y.-H. C, Lei, X. C, Schelhaas, M.-J. C, Lu, H. C, Gianelle, D. C, Parfenova, E.-I. C, Salas, C. C, Lee, E. C, Lee, B. C, Kim, H.S. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Coomes, D.A. C, Piotto, D. C, Sunderland, T. C, Schmid, B. C, Gourlet-Fleury, S. C, Sonké, B. C, Tavani, R. C, Zhu, J. C, Brandl, S. C, Vayreda, J. C, Kitahara, F. C, Searle, E.B. C, Neldner, V.J. C, Ngugi, M.R. C, Baraloto, C. C, Frizzera, L. C, Bałazy, R. C, Oleksyn, J. C, Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, T. C, Bouriaud, O. C, Bussotti, F. C, Finér, L. C, Jaroszewicz, B. C, Jucker, T. C, Valladares, F. C, Jagodzinski, A.M. C, Peri, P.L. C, Gonmadje, C. C, Marthy, W. C, O’Brien, T. C, Martin, E.H. C, Marshall, A. C, Rovero, F. C, Bitariho, R. C, Niklaus, P.A. C, Alvarez-Loayza, P. C, Chamuya, N. C, Valencia, R. C, Mortier, F. C, Wortel, V. C, Engone-Obiang, N.L. C, Ferreira, L.V. C, Odeke, D.E. C, Vasquez, R.M. C, Lewis, S.L. C, Peay, K.G. PI (2019). Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest tree symbioses. Nature 569: 404-408.

384 Tian, D. S, Kattge, J. C, Chen, Y. C, Han, W. C, Luo, Y. C, He, J.-S. C, Hu, H. C, Tang, Z. C, Ma, S. C, Yan, Z. C, Lin, Q. C, Schmid, B. C, Fang, J. PI (2019). A global database of paired leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of terrestrial plants. Ecology, in press.

383 Tian, D. S, Yan, Z. C, Ma, S. C, Ding, J. C, Luo, Y. C, Chen, Y. C, Du, E. C, Han, W. C, Kovacs, E.D. C, Shen, H. C, Hu, H. C, Kattge, J. C, Schmid, B. C, Fang, J. PI (2019). Family-level leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of global terrestrical plants. Science China Life Sciences 62: 1047-1057.

382 van Moorsel, S.J. S, Schmid, M.W. C, Wagemaker, N.C.A.M. C, van Gurp, T. C, Schmid, B. PI, Vergeer, P. PI (2019). Evidence for rapid evolution in a grassland biodiversity experiment. Molecular Ecology 28: 4097–4117.

381 Vogel, A. PI, Ebeling, A. C, Gleixner, G. C, Roscher, C. C, Scheu, S. C, Ciobanu, M. C, Koller-France, E. C, Lange, M. C, Lochner, A. C, Meyer, S. C, Oelmann, Y. C,Wilke, W. C, Schmid, B. PI, Eisenhauer, N. PI (2019). A new experimental approach to test why biodiversity effects strengthen as ecosystems age. Advances in Ecological Research, in press.

380 Wagg, C. PI, Barry, K.E. C, O’Brien, M.J. C, McKenziie-Gopsill, A. C, Roscher, C. C, Eisenhauer, N. C, Schmid, B. PI (2019). Not even wrong: comment. Ecology, in press.

379 Wang, M.-Q. S, Li, Y. S, Chesters, D. C, Anttonen, P. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Chen, J.-T. C, Durka, W. C, Guo, P.-F. C, Härdtle, W. C, Ma, K. C, Michalski, S.G. C, Schmid, B. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Wu, C.-S. C, Zhang, N.-L. C, Zhou, Q.-S. C, Schuldt, A. PI, Zhu. C.-D. PI (2019). Multiple components of plant diversity loss determine herbivore phylogenetic diversity in a subtropical forest experiment. Journal of Ecology, in press.

378 Deplazes-Zemp, A. PI, Abiven, S. C, Schaber, P. C, Schaepman, M.E. C, Schaepman-Strub, G. C, Schmid, B. C, Shimizu, K.K. C, Altermatt, F. PI (2018). The Nagoya Protocol could backfire on the Global South. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 917-919.

377 Garonna, I. S, de Jong, R. C, Stöckli, R. C, Schenkel, D. C, Schimel, D. C, Schmid, B. C, Schaepman, M.E. PI (2018). Shifting relative importance of climatic constraints on global land surface phenology. Environmental Research Letters 13: 024025 (online).

376 Huang, Y. S, Chen, Y. C, Castro-Izaguirre, N. C, Baruffol, M. C, Brezzi, M. C, Lang, A. C, Li, Y. C, Härdtle, W. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Yang, X. C, Pei, K. C, Both, S. C, Liu, X. C, Yang, B. C, Eichenberg, D. C, Assmann, T. C, Bauhus, J. C, Behrens, T. C, Buscot, F. C, Chen, X.-Y. C, Chesters, D. C, Ding, B.-Y. C, Durka, W. C, Erfmeier, A. C, Fang, J. C, Fischer, M. C, Guo, D. C, Guo, L.-D. C, Gutknecht, J.L.M. C, He, J.-S. C, He, C.-L. C, Hector, A. C, Hönig, L. C, Hu, R.-Y. C, Klein, A.-M. C, Kühn, P. C, Liang, Y. C, Michalski, S. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmidt, K. C, Scholten, T. C, Schuldt, A. C, Shi, X. C, Tan, M.-Z. C, Tang, Z. C, Wang, Z. C, Welk, E. C, Wirth, C. C, Wubet, T. C, Xiang, W. C, Yan, J. C, Yu, M. C, Yu, X.-D. C, Zhang, J. C, Zhang, N. C, Zhang, S. C, Zhou, H.-Z. C, Zhu, C.-D. C, Zhu, L. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Ma, K. PI, Niklaus, P.A. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2018). Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science 362: 80-83.

375 Huang, Y. S, Ma, K. C, Niklaus, P.A. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2018). Leaf-litter overyielding in a forest biodiversity experiment in subtropical China. Forest Ecosystems 5: 38 (9 pages).

374 Isbell, F. PI, Cowles, J. C, Dee, L.E. C, Loreau, M. C, Reich, P.B. C, Gonzalez, A. C, Hector, A. C, Schmid, B. C (2018). Quantifying effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning across times and places. Ecology Letters 21: 763-778.

373 Krug, C.B. PI, Schaepman, M.E. PI, Shannon, L.J. C, Cavender-Bares, J. C, Cheung, W. C, McIntyre, P.B. C, Metzger, J.P. C, Niinemets, Ü. C, Obura, D.O. C, Schmid, B. C, Strassburg, B.B.N. C, Van Teeffelen, A.J.A. C, Weyl, O.L.F. C, Yasuhara C, M., Leadley, P.W. PI (2018). Observations, indicators and scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services change — a framework to support policy and decision-making. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 29: 198-206.

372 Li, C. S, Wulf, H. C, Schmid, B. C, He, J.S. C, Schaepman, M.E. PI (2018). Estimating plant traits of alpine grassland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau using remote sensing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 11: 2263-2275.

371 Liu, X. PI, Trogisch, S. PI, He, J.-S. PI, Niklaus, P.A. PI, Bruelheide, H. PI, Tang, Z. C, Erfmeier, A. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Pietsch, K.A. C, Yang, B. C, Kühn, P. C, Scholten, T. C, Huang, Y. S, Wang, C. C, Staab, M. C, Seidelmann, K. S, Wirth, C. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Ma, K. PI (2018). Tree species richness increases ecosystem carbon storage in subtropical forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 285: 20181240.

370 Losapio, G. S, de la Cruz, M. C, Escudero, A. C, Schmid, B. C, Schöb, C. PI (2018). The assembly of a plant network in alpine vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 999-1006.

369 Luo, S. S, Schmid, B. C, de Deyn, G. C, Yu, S. PI (2018). Soil microbes promote complementarity effects among co-existing trees through soil nitrogen partitioning. Functional Ecology 32: 1879-1889.

368 Roscher, C. PI, Lipowsky, A. S, Gubsch, M. S, Schumacher, J. C, Schmid, B. PI, Buchmann, N. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI (2018). Functional groups differ in trait means, but not in trait plasticity to species richness in local grassland communities. Ecology 99: 2295-2307.

367 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Gubsch, M. S, Lipowsky, A. S, Weigelt, A. C, Buchmann, N. C, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI (2018). Origin context of trait data matters for prediction of community performance in a grassland biodiversity experiment. Ecology 99: 1214-1226.

366 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Gubsch, M. S, Lipowsky, A. S, Weigelt, A. C, Buchmann, N. C, Schulze, E.D. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2018). Interspecific trait differences rather than intraspecific trait variation increase the extent and filling of community trait space with increasing plant diversity in grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 33: 42-50.

365 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Gubsch, M. S, Lipowsky, A. S, Weigelt, A. C, Buchmann, N. C, Schulze, E.D. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2018). Trait means, trait plasticity and trait differences to other species jointly explain species performances in grasslands of varying diversity. Oikos 127: 855-865.

364 Salmon, Y. PI, Li, X. C, Yang, B. C, Ma, K. PI, Siegwolf, R. PI, Schmid B. PI (2018). Surrounding species diversity improves sub-tropical seedlings’ carbon dynamics. Ecology and Evolution 8: 7055–7067.

363 Schmid, M.W. PI, Heichinger, C. PI, Coman Schmid, D. C, Guthörl, D. C, Bruggmann, R. C, Aluri, S. C, Aquino, C. C, Schmid, B. PI, Turnbull, L.A. PI, Grossniklaus, U. PI (2018). Epigenetic variation contributes to adaptation in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 9: 4446 (12 pages).

362 Schmid, B. PI, Wang, P. C, Liu, L. C, Wan, S. C, Huang, Y. C (2018). The first 10 years of JPE. Journal of Plant Ecology 11: 799-802.

361 Schmidt, L. S, Schmid, B. C, Oja, T. C, Fischer, M. PI (2018). Genetic differentiation, phenotypic plasticity and adaptation in a hybridising pair of a more common and a less common Carex species. Alpine Botany 128: 149-167.

360 Schuldt, A. PI, Assmann, T. C, Brezzi, M. C, Buscot, F. C, Eichenberg, D. C, Gutknecht, J. C, Härdtle, W. C, He, J.-S. C, Klein, A. C, Kühn, P. C, Liu, X. C, Ma, K. C,Niklaus, P. C, Pietsch, K. C, Purahong, W. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Scholten, T. C, Staab, M. C, Tang, Z. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Wirth, C. C, Wubet, T. C, Zhu, C.-D. C, Bruelheide, H. PI (2018). Biodiversity across trophic levels drives multifunctionality in highly diverse forests. Nature Communications 9: 2989 (10 pages).

359 Tian, D. S, Yan, Z. C, Niklas, K.J. C, Han, W. C, Kattge, J. C, Reich, P.B. C, Luo, Y. C, Chen, Y. C, Tang, Z. C, Hu, H. C, Wright, I.J. C, Schmid, B. C, Fang, J. PI (2018). Global leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and their scaling exponent. National Science Review 5: 728-739.

358 van Moorsel, S.J. S, Hahl, T. S, Wagg, C. C, de Deyn, G.B. C, Flynn, D.F.B. C, Zuppinger-Dingley, D. C, Schmid, B. PI (2017). Community evolution increases plant productivity at low diversity. Ecology Letters 21: 128-137.

357 van Moorsel, S.J. S, Schmid, M.W. C, Hahl, T. S, Zuppinger-Dingley, D. C, Schmid, B. PI (2018). Selection in response to community diversity alters plant performance and functional traits. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 33: 51-61.

356 Xu, W. S, Zhu, M. C, Zhang, Z. C, Ma, Z. C, Liu, H. C, Chen, L. C, Cao, G. C, Zhao, X. C, Schmid, B. C, He, J.-S. PI (2018). Experimentally simulating warmer and wetter climate additively improves rangeland quality on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 1486-1497.

355 Yamasaki, E. PI, Altermatt, F. C, Cavender-Bares, J. C, Schumann, M.C. C, Zuppinger-Dingley, D. C, Garonna, I. C, Schneider, F.D. C, Guillen-Escriba, C. C, van Moorsel, S.J. C, Hahl, T. C, Schmid, B. C, Schaepman-Strub, G. C, Schaepman, M.E. C, Shimizu, K.K. PI (2018). Genomics meets remote sensing in global change studies: monitoring and predicting phenology, evolution and biodiversity. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 29: 177-186.

354 Zuppinger-Dingley, D. PI, Krug, C.B. PI, Petchey, O.L. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Backhaus, N. PI, Schaepman, M.E. PI (2018). Integrated global change and biodiversity research for a sustainable future. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 29: vii-xi.

353 Ang, C.C. S, O’ Brien, M. C, Siong Ng, K.K. C, Lee, P.C. C, Hector, A. C, Schmid, B. C, Shimizu, K.K. PI (2017). Genetic diversity of two tropical trees (Dipterocarpaceae) following logging and restoration in Borneo: high genetic diversity in plots with high species diversity. Plant Ecology and Diversity 9: 459-469.

352 Brezzi, M. S, Schmid, B. PI, Niklaus, P.A. C, Schuldt, A. C (2017). Tree diversity increases levels of herbivory damage in a subtropical forest canopy: evidence for dietary mixing by arthropods? Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 13-27.

351 Bu, W. S, Liu, X. C, Schmid B. PI, Li, Y. S, Härdtle, W. C, Liang, Y. C, Sun, Z. S, Huang, Y. S, Bruelheide, H. C, Ma, K. PI (2017). Inter- and intraspecific variation in specific root length drives biodiversity effect on tree growth. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 158-169.

350 Chi, X. S, Guo, Q. C, Fang, J. C, Schmid, B. C, Tang, Z. PI (2017). Seasonal characteristics and determinants of tree growth in a Chinese subtropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 4-12.

349 Huang, Y. S, Ma, Y. S, Zhao, K. S, Niklaus, P.A. C, Schmid B. C, He, J.-S. PI (2017). Positive effects of biodiversity on litterfall quantity and quality along a chronosequence in a subtropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 28-35.

348 Li, X. S, Pei, K. C, Kéry, M. C, Niklaus, P.A. C, Schmid, B. PI (2017). Decomposing functional trait associations in a Chinese subtropical forest. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0175727 (18 pages).

347 Ma, K. C, He, J.-S. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Klein, A.-M. C, Liu, X. C, Schmid B. PI (2017). Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research in Chinese subtropical forests. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 1-3.

346 Meinard, Y. PI, Remy, A. C, Schmid, B. C (2017). Measuring impartial preference for biodiversity. Ecological Economics 132: 45-54.

345 Meyer, S.T. PI, Ptacnik, R. C, Hillebrand, H. C, Beßler, H. S, Buchmann, N. C, Ebeling, A. C, Eisenhauer, N. C, Engels, C. C, Fischer, M. C, Halle, S. C, Klein, A.-M. C, Oelmann, Y. C, Roscher, C. C, Rottstock, T. S, Scherber, C. C, Scheu, S. C, Schmid, B. C, Schulze, E.-D. C, Temperton, V.M. C, Tscharntke, T. C, Voigt, W. C, Weigelt, A. C, Wilcke, W. C, Weisser, W.W. PI (2017). Biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships depend on identity and number of measured functions. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 44-49.

344 Niklaus, P.A. C, Baruffol, M. S, He, J.-S. C, Ma, K. C, Schmid, B. PI (2017). Can niche plasticity promote biodiversity–productivity relationships through increased complementarity? Ecology 98: 1104-1116.

343 O’Brien, M. C, Brezzi, M. S, Schuldt, A. C, Zhang, J.-Y. C, Ma, K. C, Schmid, B. PI, Niklaus, P.A. C (2017). Tree diversity begets arthropod diversity across successional stages for herbivores but not detritivores and pollinators. Ecology and Evolution 7:8753–8760.

342 Oehri, J. S, Schmid, B. C, Schaepman-Strub, G. PI, Niklaus, P.A. PI (2017). Biodiversity promotes primary productivity and growing season lengthening at the landscape scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 114: 10160-10165.

341 Peng, S.-Y. S, Schmid, B. C, Niklaus, P.A. PI (2017). Leaf area of subtropical tree assemblages responds positively to species richness. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 128-135.

340 Schmid, B. PI, Baruffol, M. C, Wang, Z. C, Niklaus, P.A. C (2017). A guide to analyzing biodiversity experiments. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 91-110.

339 Schmid, B. PI, Niklaus, P.A. C (2017). Complementary canopies. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 0104 (online).

338 Schmidt, L. S, Fischer, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Oja, T. PI (2017). Despite admixing two closely related Carex species differ in their regional morphological differentiation. Plant Systematics and Evolution 303: 901-914.

337 Schneider, F.D. S, Morsdorf, F. C, Schmid, B. C, Petchey, O.L. C, Hueni, A. C, Schimel, D.S. C, Schaepman, M.E. PI (2017). Mapping functional diversity from remotely sensed morphological and physiological forest traits. Nature Communications 8: 1441 (12 pages).

336 Scholten, T. PI, Goebes, P. C, Kühn, P. C, Seitz, S. C, Assmann, T. C, Bauhus, J. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Buscot, F. C, Erfmeier, A. C, Fischer, M. C, Härdtle, W. C, He, J.-S. C, Ma, K. C, Niklaus, P. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Shi, X. C, Song, Z. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Wirth, C. C, Wubet, T. C, Schmidt, K. PI (2017). On the combined effect of soil fertility and topography on tree growth in subtropical forest ecosystems - a study from SE China. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 111-127.

335 Sun, Z.-K. S, Liu, X.-J. C, Schmid B. C, Bruehlheide, H. C, Bu, W. C, Ma, K. PI (2017). Positive effects of tree species richness on fine-root production and biomass. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 146-157.

334 Tian, D. S, Jiang, L. C, Ma, S. C, Fang, W. C, Schmid, B. C, Xu, L. C, Zhu, J. C, Li, P. C, Losapio, G. C, Jing, X. C, Zheng, C. C, Shen, H. C, Zhu, B. C, Fang, J. PI (2017). Effects of experimental nitrogen deposition on soil microbial communities in temperate and subtropical forests in China. Science of the Total Environment 607-608: 1367-1375.

333 Trogisch, S. PI, Schuldt, A. C, Bauhus, J. C, Blum, J. C, Both, S. C, Buscot, F. C, Castro-Izaguirre, N. C, Chesters, D. C, Durka, W. C, Eichenberg, D. C, Erfmeier, A. C, Fischer, M. C, Geißler, C. C, Germany, M. C, Goebes, P. C, Gutknecht, J. C, Hahn, C. C, Haider, S. C, Härdtle, W. C, He, J.-S. C, Hector, A. C, Hönig, L. C, Huang, Y. C, Klein, A. C, Kühn, P. C, Kunz, M. C, Leppert, K. C, Li, Y. C, Liu, X. C, Niklaus, P. C, Pei, Z. C, Pietsch, K. C, Prinz, R. C, Proß, T. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmidt, K. C, Scholten, T. C, Seitz, S. C, Song, Z. C, Staab, M. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Weißbecker, C. C, Welk, E. C, Wirth, C. C, Wubet, T. C, Yang, B. C, Zhu, C.-D. C, Schmid, B. PI, Ma, K. PI, Bruelheide, H. PI (2017). Towards a methodical framework for comprehensively assessing forest multifunctionality. Ecology and Evolution 2017, 7: 10652–10674.

332 Wagg, C. PI, Ebeling, A. C, Roscher, C. C, Ravenek, J. S, Bachmann, D. S, Eisenhauer, N. C, Mommer, L. C, Buchmann, N. C, Hillebrand, H. C, Schmid, B. C, Weisser, W.W. PI (2017). Functional trait dissimilarity drives both species complementarity and competitive disparity. Functional Ecology 31: 2320–2329.

331 Wagg, C. PI, O’Brien, M.J. C, Vogel, A. PI, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Eisenhauer, N. C, Schmid, B. PI, Weigelt, A. PI (2017). Plant diversity maintains long-term ecosystem productivity under frequent drought by increasing short-term variation. Ecology 98: 2952-2961.

330 Weisser, W.W. PI, Roscher, C. C, Meyer, S. C, Ebeling, A. C, Luo, G. C, Allan, A. C, Beßler, H. C, Barnard, R. C, Buchmann, N. C, Buscot, F. C, Engels, C. C, Fischer, C. C, Fischer, M. C, Gessler, A. C, Gleixner, G. C, Halle, S. C, Hildebrandt, A. C, Hillebrand, H. C, de Kroon, H. C, Lange, M. C, Leimer, S. C, Le Roux, X. C, Milcu, A. C, Mommer, L. C, Niklaus, P. . C, Oelmann, Y. C, Proulx, R. C, Roy, J. C, Scherber, C. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Scheu, S. C, Tscharntke, . C, Wachendorf, M. C, Wagg, C. C, Weigelt, A. C, Wilcke, W. C, Wirth, C. C, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Eisenhauer, N. PI (2017). Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: patterns, mechanisms, and open questions. Basic and Applied Ecology 23: 1-73.

329 Yang, B. S, Ying, L. S, Ding, B.Y. C, Both, S. C, Erfmeier, A. C, Härdtle, W. C, Ma, K.-P. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Scholten, T. C, Seidler, G. S, von Oheimb, G. C, Yang, X. C, Bruelheide, H. PI (2017). Impact of tree diversity and environmental conditions on the survival of shrub species in a forest biodiversity experiment in subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 179-189.

328 Argüello, A. S, O’Brien, M. S, van der Heijden, M.G.A. C, Wiemken, A. C, Schmid, B. PI, Niklaus, P.A. PI (2016). Options of partners improve carbon for phosphorus trade in the arbuscular mycorrhizal mutualism. Ecology Letters 19: 648-656.

327 Castro-Izaguirre, N. S, Chi, X. S, Baruffol, M. S, Tang, Z. C, Ma, K.P. C, Schmid, B. PI, Niklaus, P.A. PI (2016). Tree diversity enhances stand carbon storage but not leaf area in a subtropical forest. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0167771 (13 pages).

326 Craven, C. PI, Isbell, F. C, Manning, P. C, Connolly, J. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Ebeling, A. C, Roscher, C. C, van Ruijven, J. C, Weigelt, A. C, Wilsey, B. C, Beierkuhnlein, C. C, de Luca, E. C, Griffin, J.N. C, Hautier, Y. C, Hector, A. C, Jentsch, A. C, Kreyling, J. C, Lanta, V. C, Loreau, M. C, Meyer, S.T. C, Mori, A.S. C, Naeem, S. C, Palmborg, C. C, Polley, H.W. C, Reich, P.B. C, Schmid, B. C, Siebenkäs, A. C, Seabloom, E. C, Thakur, M.P. C, Tilman, D. C, Vogel, A. C, Eisenhauer, N. PI (2017). Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371: 20150277.

325 Frascaroli, F. S, Bhagwat, S. C, Guarino, R. C, Chiarucci, A. C, Schmid, B. PI (2016). Shrines in Central Italy conserve plant diversity and large trees. Ambio 45:468–479.

324 Li, X. S, Schmid, B. PI, Wang, F. C, Paine, C.E.T. C (2016). Net assimilation rate determines the growth rates of 14 species of subtropical forest trees. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150644 (13 pages).

323 Liang, J. S, Crowther, T.W. C, Picard, N. C, Wiser, S. C, Zhou, M. C, Alberti, G. C, Schulze, E.-D. C, McGuire, A.D. C, Bozzato, F. C, Pretzsch, H. C, de-Miguel, S. C, Paquette, A. C, Hérault, B. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Barrett, C.B. C, Glick, H.B. C, Hengeveld, G.M. C, Nabuurs, G.-J. C, Pfautsch, S. C, Viana, H. C, Vibrans, A.C. C, Ammer, C. C, Schall, P. C, Verbyla, D. C, Tchebakova, N. C, Fischer, M. C, Watson, J.W. C, Chen, H. Y.-H. C, Lei, X. C, Schelhaas, M.-J. C, Lu, H. C, Gianelle, D. C, Parfenova, E.-I. C, Salas, C. C, Lee, E. C, Lee, B. C, Kim, H.S. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Coomes, D.A. C, Piotto, D. C, Sunderland, T. C, Schmid, B. C, Gourlet-Fleury, S. C, Sonké, B. C, Tavani, R. C, Zhu, J. C, Brandl, S. C, Vayreda, J. C, Kitahara, F. C, Searle, E.B. C, Neldner, V.J. C, Ngugi, M.R. C, Baraloto, C. C, Frizzera, L. C, Bałazy, R. C, Oleksyn, J. C, Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, T. C, Bouriaud, O. C, Bussotti, F. C, Finér, L. C, Jaroszewicz, B. C, Jucker, T. C, Valladares, F. C, Jagodzinski, A.M. C, Peri, P.L. C, Gonmadje, C. C, Marthy, W. C, O’Brien, T. C, Martin, E.H. C, Marshall, A. C, Rovero, F. C, Bitariho, R. C, Niklaus, P.A. C, Alvarez-Loayza, P. C, Chamuya, N. C, Valencia, R. C, Mortier, F. C, Wortel, V. C, Engone-Obiang, N.L. C, Ferreira, L.V. C, Odeke, D.E. C, Vasquez, R.M. C, Lewis, S.L. C, Reich, P.B. PI (2016). Positive biodiversity–productivity relationships predominant in global forests. Science 354, aaf8957. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf8957.

322 Liu, X. PI, Swenson, N.G. C, Lin, D. C, Mi, X. C, Umaña, M.N. C, Schmid, B. C, Ma, K. PI (2016). Linking individual-level functional traits to tree growth in a subtropical forest. Ecology 97: 2396-2405.

321 Lohier, T. S, Jabot, F. PI, Weigelt, A. C, Schmid, B. C, Deffuant, G. PI (2016). Predicting stochastic community dynamics in grasslands under the assumption of competitive symmetry. Journal of Theoretical Biology 399: 53-61.

320 Meyer, S.T. PI, Ebeling, A. PI, Eisenhauer, N. PI, Hertzog, L. PI, Hillebrand, H. PI, Milcu, A. PI, Pompe, S. PI, Abbas, M. S, Beßler, H. C, Buchmann, N. C, De Luca, E. S, Engels, C. C, Fischer, M. C, Gleixner, G. C, Hudewenz, A. S, Klein, A.M. C, de Kroon, H. C, Leimer, S. S, Loranger, H. S, Marquard, E. C, Mommer, L. C, Oelmann, Y. C, Ravenek, J.M. S, Roscher, C. C, Rottstock, T. S, Scherber, C. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Scheu, S. C, Schmid, B. C, Schulze, E.-D. C, Staudler, A. S, Strecker, T. S, Temperton, V. C, Tscharntke, T. C, Vogel, A. S, Voigt, W. C, Weigelt, A. C, Wilcke, W. C, Weisser, W.W. PI (2016). Effects of biodiversity strengthen over time as ecosystem functioning declines at low and increases at high biodiversity. Ecosphere 7(12), e01619 (14 pages).

319 Pellkofer, S. S, van der Heijden, M.G.A. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Wagg, C. PI (2016). Soil communities promote species asynchrony and stability in experimental grassland communities. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0148015 (16 pages).

318 Roscher, C. PI, Schmid, B. C, Kolle, O. C, Schulze, E.D. PI (2016). Complementarity among four highly productive grassland species depends on resource availability. Oecologia 181: 571-582.

317 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Petermann, J.S. C, Fergus, A.J.F. C, Gerighausen, U. C, Michalski, S.G. C, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI (2016). Convergent high diversity in naturally colonized experimental grasslands is not related to increased productivity. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 20: 32-45.

316 Sailer, C. S, Schmid, B. C, Grossniklaus, U. PI (2016). Apomixis allows the transgenerational fixation of phenotypes in hybrid plants. Current Biology 26: 331-336.

315 Schmid, B. PI (2016). Decision making: are plants more rational than animals. Current Biology 26: R675-R678.

314 Tuck, S.L. S, O’Brien, M.J. S, Philipson, C.D. S, Saner, P. S, Tanadini, M. S, Dzulkifly, D. S, Godfray, C. C, Godoong, E. S, Nilus, R. S, Ong, R. S, Schmid, B. C, Sinun, W. S, Snaddon, J.L. S, Snoop, M. S, Tangki, H. S, Tay, H. S, Ulok, P. S, Wa, Y.S. S, Weilenmann, M. C, Reynolds, G. C, Hector, A. PI (2016). Potential insurance effects of tree diversity in tropical forest restoration: survival and growth during the first decade of the Sabah Biodiversity Experiment. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 283: 20161451.

313 Wuest, S.E. PI, Philipp, M.A. C, Guthörl, D. C, Schmid B. PI, Grossniklaus, U. PI (2016). Correlative controls of seeds over maternal growth and senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 171: 392-404.

312 Zuppinger-Dingley, D. S, Flynn, D. C, de Deyn, G.B. C, Petermann, J.S. C, Schmid, B. PI (2016). Plant selection and soil legacy drive biodiversity effects. Ecology 97: 918-928.

311 Chen, X.-Y. PI, Wang, X.-Y. S, Jiao, J. C, Schmid, B. PI (2015). Complementarity effects do not necessarily result in significant transgressive over-performance in mixtures. Biological Invasions 17: 529-535.

310 Isbell, F. PI, Craven, D. PI, Connolly, J. C, Loreau, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Beierkuhnlein, C. C, Bezemer, T.M. C, Bonin, C. C, Bruelheide, H. C, de Luca, E. S, Ebeling, A. C, Griffin, H. C, Guo, Q. C, Hautier, Y. C, Hector, A. C, Jentsch, A. C, Kreyling, J. C, Lanta, V. C, Manning, P. C, Meyer, S.T. C, Mori, A.S. C, Naeem, S. C, Niklaus, P.A. C, Polley, H.W. C, Reich, P. B. C, Roscher, C. C, Seablom, E.W. C, Smith, M.D. C, Thakur, M.P. C, Tilman, D. C, Tracy, B.F. C, van der Putten, W.H. C, van Ruijven, H. C, Weigelt, A. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Wilsey, B. C, Eisenhauer, N. PI (2015). Biodiversity increases the resistance of ecosystem productivity to climate extremes. Nature 526: 574-577.

309 Junge, X. S, Schüpbach, B. C, Walter, T. C, Schmid, B. C, Lindemann-Matthies, P. PI (2015). The aesthetic quality of agricultural landscape elements in different seasonal stages in Switzerland. Landscape and Urban Planning 133: 67-77.

308 Kalinina, O. S, Zeller, S.L. S, Schmid, B. PI (2015). Persistence of seeds, seedlings and plants, performance of transgenic wheat in weed communities in the field and effects on fallow weed diversity. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 17: 421-433.

307 Kröber, W. S, Li, Y. S, Härdtle, W. C, Ma, K. C, Schmid, B. C, Schmidt, K. C, Scholten, T. C, Seidler, G. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Welk, E. C, Wirth, C. C, Bruelheide, H. PI (2015). Early subtropical forest growth is driven by community mean trait values and functional diversity rather than the abiotic environment. Ecology and Evolution 5: 3541–3556.

306 Lipowsky, A. S, Roscher, C. C, Schumacher, J. C, Michalski, S.G. S, Gubsch, M. S, Buchmann, N. C, Schulze, E.D. C, Schmid, B. PI (2015). Plasticity of functional traits of forb species in response to biodiversity. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 17: 66-77.

305 Petchey, O.L. PI, Pontarp, M. C, Massie, T.M. C, Kéfi, S. C, Ozgul, A. C, Weilenmann, M. C, Palamara, G.M. C, Altermatt, F. C, Matthews, B. C, Levine, J.M. C, Childs, D.Z. C, McGill, B.J. C, Schaepman, M.E. C, Schmid, B. C, Spaak, P. C, Beckermann, A.P. C, Pennekamp, F. C, Pearse, I.S. C (2015). The Ecological Forecast Horizon, and examples of its uses and determinants. Ecology Letters 18: 597-611.

304 Roscher, C. PI, Gerighausen, U. C, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI (2015). Plant diversity and community history shift colonization success from early- to mid-successional species. Journal of Plant Ecology 8: 231-241.

303 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI (2015). Contrasting effects of intraspecific trait variation on trait-based niches and performance of legumes in plant mixtures. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119786 (18 pages).

302 Zhang, N. PI, Wan, S. PI, Guo, J. C, Han, G. C, Gutknecht, J. C, Schmid, B. C, Yu, L. C, Liu, W. C, Bi, J. C, Wang, Z. C, Ma, K. PI (2015). Precipitation modifies effects of warming and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in northern Chinese grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 89: 12-23.

301 Zuppinger-Dingley, D. S, Flynn, D. C, Brandl, H. C, Schmid, B. PI (2015). Selection in monoculture vs. mixture alters plant metabolic fingerprints. Journal of Plant Ecology 8: 559-557.

300 Bruelheide, H. PI, Nadrowski, K. C, Assmann, T. C, Bauhus, J. C, Both, S. C, Buscot, F. C, Chen, X.-Y. C, Ding, B. C, Durka, W. C, Erfmeier, A. C, Gutknecht, J.L.M. C, Guo, D. C, Guo, L.D. C, Härdtle, W. C, He, J.-S. C, Klein, A.-M. C, Kühn, P. C, Liang, Y. C, Liu X. C, Michalski, S. C, Niklaus, P. C, Pei, K. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Scholten, T. C, Schuldt, A. C, Seidler, G. C, Trogisch, S. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Welk, E. C, Wirth, C. C, Wubet, T. C, Yang, X. C, Yu, M. C, Zhang, S. C, Zhou, H. C, Fischer, M. C, Ma, K. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2014). Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 74-89.

299 Ebeling, A. PI, Pompe, S. C, Baade, J. C, Eisenhauer, N. C, Hillebrand, H. PI, Proulx, R. C, Roscher, C. C, Schmid, B. C, Wirth, C. C, Weisser, W.W. PI (2014). A trait-based experimental approach to understand the mechanisms underlying biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Basic and Applied Ecology 15: 229-240.

298 Garonna I. S, De Jong, R. C, De Wit, A.J.W. C, Mücher, C.A. C, Schmid, B. C, Schaepman, M.E. PI (2014). Strong contribution of autumn phenology to changes in satellite-derived growing season length estimates across Europe (1982–2011). Global Change Biology 20: 3457–3470.

297 Handa, I.T. PI, Aerts, R. C, Berendse, F. C, Berg, M.P. C, Bruder, A. C, Butenschoen, O. C, Chauvet, E. C, Gessner, M.O. C, Jabiol, J. C, Makkonen, M. C, McKie, B.G. C, Malmqvist, B. C, Peeters, E.T.H.M. C, Scheu, S. C, Schmid, B. C, van Ruijven, J. C, Vos, V.C.A. C, Hättenschwiler, S. PI (2014). Consequences of biodiversity loss for litter decomposition across biomes. Nature 509: 218-221.

296 Lindemann-Matthies, P. PI, Keller, D. S, Li, X. S, Schmid, B. PI (2014). Attitudes towards forest diversity and forest ecosystem services—a cross-cultural comparison between China and Switzerland. Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 1-9.

295 Meinard, Y. PI, Coq, S. C, Schmid, B. C (2014). A constructivist approach towards a general definition of biodiversity. Ethics, Policy & Environment 17: 88-104.

294 Nadrowski, K. PI, Pietsch, K. C, Baruffol, M. C, Both, S. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Gutknecht, J. C, Heklau, H. C, Kahl, A. C, Kahl, T. C, Niklaus, P. C, Kröber, W. C, Liu, X.-J. C, Man, X.-X. C, Mi, X.-C. C, Michalski, S. C, von Oheimb, G. C, Purschke, O. C, Schmid, B. C, Teng, F. C, Welk, E. C, Wirth, C. PI (2014). Tree species traits but not diversity mitigate stem breakage in a subtropical forest following a rare and extreme ice storm. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96022 (7 pages).

293 Ravenek, J.M. S, Beßler, M. C, Engels, C. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Gessler, A. C, Gockele, A. C, De Luca, E. C, Temperton, V.M. C, Ebeling, A. C, Roscher, C. C, Schmid, B. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Wirth, C. C, de Kroon, H. PI, Weigelt, A. PI, Mommer, L. PI (2014). Long-term study of root biomass in a biodiversity experiment reveals shifts in diversity effects over time. Oikos 123: 1528–1536.

292 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Gerighausen, U. C, Schmid, B. PI (2014). Different assembly processes drive shifts in species and functional composition in experimental grasslands varying in sown diversity and community history. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101928 (12 pages).

291 Sailer, C. S, Schmid, B. C, Stöcklin, J. PI, Grossniklaus, U. PI (2014). Sexual Hieracium pilosella plants are better between-species, while apomictic plants are better within-species competitors. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 16: 43-51.

290 Shi, Y. S, Wang, Y. S, Ma, W. S, Liang, C. S, Flynn, D.F.B. C, Schmid, B. C, Fang, J. C, He, J.-S. PI (2014). Field-based observations of regional-scale, temporal variation in net primary production in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Biogeosciences 11: 2003-2016.

289 Wang, X.-Y. S, Miao, Y. S, Yu, S. S, Chen, X.-Y. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2014). Genotypic diversity of an invasive plant species promotes litter decomposition and associated processes. Oecologia 174: 993-1005.

288 Zuppinger-Dingley, D. S, Schmid, B. PI, Petermann, J.S. C, Yadav, V. S, de Deyn, G.B. C, Flynn, D. PI (2014). Selection for niche differentiation in plant communities increases biodiversity effects. Nature 515: 108-111.

287 Allan, E. PI, Weisser, W.W. PI, Fischer, M. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Weigelt, A. PI, Roscher, C. PI, Baade, J. C, Barnard, R.L. C, Beßler, H. S, Buchmann, N. C, Buscot, F. C, Ebeling, A. C, Eisenhauer, N. S, Engels, C. C, Fergus, A.J.F. S, Gleixner, G. C, Gubsch, M. S, Habekost, M. C, Halle, S. C, Klein, A.M. C, König, S. S, Kowalski, E. S, Kreutziger, Y. C, Kertscher, I. S, Kummer, V. C, Kuu, A. S, Lange, M. S, Lauterbach, D. S, Le Roux, X. C, Marquard, E. S, Migunova, V.D. S, Milcu, A. C, Müller, R. S, Mwangi, P. S, Niklaus, P. C, Oelmann, Y. C, Petermann, J.S. S, Poly, F. C, Rottstock, T. S, Rosenkranz, S. S, Sabais, A. S, Scherber, C. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Scheu, S. C, Schmitz, M. S, Schumacher, J. C, Soussana, J.-F. C, Steinbeiss, S. C, Temperton, V. C, Tscharntke, T. C, Voigt, W. C, Wilcke, W. C, Wirth, C. C, Schmid, B. PI (2013). A comparison of the strength of biodiversity effects across multiple functions. Oecologia 173: 223-237.

286 Allan, E. S, Jenkins, T. S, Fergus, A.J.F. S, Roscher, C. C, Fischer, M. C, Petermann, J.S. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Schmid, B. PI (2013). Experimental plant communities develop phylogenetically overdispersed abundance distributions during assembly. Ecology 94: 465-477.

285 Arnone III, J.A. PI, Zaller, J.G. C, Hofer, G. C, Schmid, B. C, Körner, C. PI (2013). Loss of plant biodiversity eliminates stimulatory effect of elevated CO2 on earthworm casting activity in grasslands. Oecologia 171: 613-622.

284 Baruffol, M. S, Schmid, B. PI, Bruelheide, H. C, Chi, X. S, Hector, A. C, Ma, K. C, Michalski, S. S, Tang, Z. PI, Niklaus, P. C (2013). Biodiversity promotes tree growth during succession in subtropical forest. PLoS ONE 8(11): e81246 (9 pages).

283 Cozzi, G. S, Broekhuis, F. S, McNutt, J.W. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2013). Density and habitat use of lions and spotted hyenas in northern Botswana and the influence of survey and ecological variables on call-in survey estimation. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 2937-2956.

282 Cozzi, G. S, Broekhuis, F. S, McNutt, J.W. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2013). Comparison of the effects of artificial and natural barriers on large African carnivores: Implications for interspecific relationships and connectivity. Journal of Animal Ecology 82: 707-715.

281 De Mazancourt, C. PI, Isbell, F. C, Larocque, A. C, Berendse, F. C, de Luca, E. C, Grace, J.B. C, Haegeman, B. C, Polley, H.W. C, Roscher, C. C, Schmid, B. C, Tilman, D. C, van Ruijven, J. C, Weigelt, A. C, Wilsey, B. J. C, Loreau, M. PI (2013). Predicting ecosystem stability from community composition and biodiversity. Ecology Letters 16: 617-625.

280 Geißler, C. S, Nadrowski, K. C, Kühn, P. C, Baruffol, M. S, Bruelheide, H. C, Schmid, B. C, Scholten, T. PI (2013). Kinetic energy of throughfall in subtropical forests of SE China — Effects of tree canopy structure, functional traits, and biodiversity. PLoS ONE 8(2): e49618 (8 pages).

279 Le Roux, X. PI, Schmid, B. C, Poly, F. C, Barnard, R.L. C, Niklaus, P.A. C, Guillaumaud, N. C, Habekost, M. S, Oelmann, Y. C, Philippot, L. C, Falcao Salles, J. C, Schloter, M. C, Steinbeiss, S. C, Weigelt, A. C (2013). Soil environmental conditions and microbial build-up mediate the effect of plant diversity on soil nitrifying and denitrifying enzyme activities in temperate grasslands. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61069 (11 pages).

278 Ma, Y. S, Geng, Y. S, Huang, Y. S, Shi, Y. S, Niklaus, P.A. C, Schmid, B. C, He, J.-S. PI (2013). Effect of clear-cutting silviculture on soil respiration in a subtropical forest of China. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 335-348.

277 Marquard, E. S, Schmid, B. PI, Roscher, C. C, De Luca, E. S, Nadrowski, K. C, Weisser, W.W. PI, Weigelt, A. PI (2013). Changes in the abundance of grassland species in monocultures versus mixtures and their relation to biodiversity effects. PLoS ONE 8(9): e75599 (10 pages).

276 Milcu, A. PI, Allan, E. C, Roscher, C. C, Jenkins, T. C, Meyer, S.T. C, Flynn, D.F.B. C, Beßler, H. S, Buscot, F. C, Engels, C. C, Gubsch, M. S, König, S. S, Lipowsky, A. S, Loranger, J. S, Renker, C. S, Scherber, C. C, Schmid, B. C, Thébault, E. C, Wubet, T. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Scheu, S. C, Eisenhauer, N. PI (2013). Functionally and phylogenetically diverse plant communities key to soil biota. Ecology 94: 1878-1885.

275 Roscher, C. PI, Fergus, A.J.F. S, Petermann, J.S. S, Buchmann, N. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI (2013). What happens to the sown species if a biodiversity experiment is not weeded? Basic and Applied Ecology 14: 187-198.

274 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Lipowsky, A. S, Gubsch, M. S, Weigelt, A. C, Pompe, S. C, Kolle, O. C, Buchmann, N. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI (2013). A functional trait-based approach to understand community assembly and diversity–productivity relationships over 7 years in experimental grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 15: 139-149.

273 Schmitz, M. S, Flynn, D.B.F. C, Mwangi, P.N. S, Schmid, R. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Schmid, B. PI (2013). Consistent effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning under varying density and evenness. Folia Geobotanica 48: 335-353.

272 Schoenenberger, N. PI, Benetollo, C. C, Brändli, B. C, Galbusera, G. C, Nucera, E. C, Schmid, B. C, Selldorf, P. C (2013). Contributo alla conoscenza della flora vascolare della Val Piora (Cantone Ticino, Svizzera). Biodiversità della val Piora: Risultati e prospettive delle “Giornate della Biodiversità” (23–25 luglio 2010). Memorie della Società ticinese di scienze naturali e del Museo cantonale di storia naturale 11: 101-116.

271 Vogel, A. S, Fester, T. S, Eisenhauer, N. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Weigelt, A. PI (2013). Separating drought effects from roof artifacts on ecosystem processes in a grassland drought experiment. PLoS ONE 8(8): e70997 (10 pages).

270 Waibel, A. S, Griffiths, C.J. S, Zuël, N. C, Schmid, B. PI, Albrecht, M. PI (2013). Does a giant tortoise taxon substitute enhance seed germination of exotic fleshy-fruited plants? Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 57-63.

269 Yang, X. PI, Bauhus, J. PI, Both, S. S, Fang, T. C, Härdtle, W. PI, Kröber, W. S, Ma, K. PI, Nadrowski, K. C, Pei, K. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. PI, Scholten, T. PI, Seidler, G. S, Schmid, B. PI, von Oheimb, G. PI, Bruelheide, H. PI (2013). Establishment success in a forest biodiversity and ecosystem functioning experiment in subtropical China (BEF-China). European Journal of Forest Research 132:593-606.

268 Zeller, S.L. S, Kalinina, O. S, Schmid, B. PI (2013). Costs of resistance in genetically modified wheat. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 92-100.

267 Albrecht, M. PI, Schmid, B. C, Hautier, Y. C, Müller, C. B. PI (2012). Diverse pollinator communities enhance plant reproductive success. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 279: 4845-4852.

266 Both, S. S, Fang, T. C, Baruffol, M. S, Schmid, B. C, Bruelheide, H. C, Erfmeier, A. PI (2012). Effects of tree sapling diversity and nutrient addition on herb-layer invasibility in communities of subtropical species. Open Journal of Ecology 2(1): 1-11.

265 Cozzi, G. S, Broekhuis, F. S, McNutt, J.W. PI, Turnbull, L.A. C, Macdonald, D.W. C, Schmid, B. PI (2012). Fear of the dark or dinner by moonlight? Reduced temporal partitioning among Africa’s large carnivores. Ecology 93: 2590-2599.

264 Lang, A.C. S, Härdtle, W. PI, Baruffol, M. S, Böhnke, M. S, Bruelheide, H. C, Schmid, B. C, von Wehrden, H. C, von Oheimb, G.PI (2012). Mechanisms promoting tree species coexistence: experimental evidence with saplings of subtropical forest ecosystems of China. Journal of Vegetation Science 23: 837–846.

263 Lipowsky, A. S, Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Schmid, B. PI (2012). Density-independent mortality and increasing plant diversity are associated with differentiation of Taraxacum officinale into r- and K-strategists. PLoS ONE 7(1): e28121 (9 pages).

262 Moradi, H. S, Fakheran, S. S, Peintinger, M. C, Bergamini, A. C, Schmid, B. PI, Joshi, J. PI (2012). Profiteers of environmental change in the Swiss Alps: increase of thermophilous and generalist plants in wetland ecosystems within the last ten years. Alpine Botany 122: 45-56.

261 Niu, K. PI, Schmid, B. C, Choler, P. C, Du, G. C, Sun, S. C (2012). Relationship between reproductive allocation and relative abundance among 32 species of a Tibetan alpine meadow: effects of fertilization and grazing. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35448 (6 pages).

260 Quijas, S. S, Jackson, L. E. C, Maass, M. C, Raffaelli, D. C, Schmid, B. C, Balvanera, P. PI (2012). Plant diversity and generation of ecosystem services at the landscape scale: expert knowledge assessment. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 929–940.

259 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Gubsch, M. S, Lipowsky, A. S, Weigelt, A. C, Buchmann, N. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI (2012). Using plant functional traits to explain diversity–productivity relationships. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36760 (11 pages).

258 Schuldt, A. S, Bruelheide, H. C, Durka, W. C, Eichenberg, D. C, Fischer, M. C, Kröber, W. S, Härdtle, W. C, Ma, K. C, Michalski, S. S, Palm, W.-U. C, Schmid, B. C, Welk, E. S, Zhou, H. PI, Assmann, T. PI (2012). Plant traits affecting susceptibility to herbivory on tree recruits in highly diverse subtropical forests. Ecology Letters 15: 732–739.

257 Sedlacek, J. S, Schmid, B. PI, Matthies, D. C, Albrecht, M. PI (2012). Inbreeding depression under drought stress in the rare endemic Echium wildpretii (Boraginaceae) on Tenerife, Canary Islands. PLoS ONE: 7(10): e47415 (7 pages).

256 Zeller, S.L. S, Kalinina, O. S, Flynn, D.F.B. C, Schmid, B. PI (2012). Mixtures of genetically modified wheat lines outperform monocultures. Ecological Applications 22: 1817-1826.

255 Attard, E. S, Recous, S. C, Chabbi, A. C, de Berranger, C. C, Guillaumaud, N. C, Labreuche, J. C, Philippot, L. C, Schmid, B. C, Le Roux, X. PI (2011). Soil environmental conditions rather than denitrifier abundance and diversity drive potential denitrification after changes in land uses. Global Change Biology 17: 1975-1989.

254 Bruelheide, H. PI, Böhnke, M. S, Both, S. S, Fang, T. C, Assmann, T. PI, Baruffol, M. S, Bauhus, J. PI, Buscot, F. PI, Chen, X.-Y. PI, Ding, B.-Y. C, Durka, W. PI, Erfmeier, A. PI, Fischer, M. PI, Geißler, C. S, Guo, D. PI, Guo, L.-D. C, Härdtle, W. PI, He, J.-S. PI, Hector, A. PI, Kröber, W. S, Kühn, P. S, Lang, A.C. S, Nadrowski, K. C, Pei, K. PI, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. PI, Shi, X. C, Scholten, T. PI, Schuldt, A. S, Trogisch, S. S, von Oheimb, G. PI, Welk, E. S, Wirth, C. PI, Wu, Y.-T. C, Yang, X. C, Yu, M. PI, Zeng, X. C, Zhang, S. PI, Zhou, H. C, Ma, K. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2011). Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs 81: 25-41.

253 Brunner, S. S, Hurni, S. S, Herren, G. S, Kalinina, O. S, von Burg, S. S, Zeller, S. L. S, Schmid, B. C, Winzeler, M. C, Keller, B. PI (2011). Transgenic Pm3b wheat lines show resistance to powdery mildew in the field. Plant Biotechnology Journal 9: 897–910.


BC Fergus, A.J.F. S, Schmid, B. PI (2011). Biodiversity experiments: what have we learnt about biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships? In: J. Settele, L.D. Penev, T.A. Georgiev, R. Grabaum, V. Grobelnik, V. Hammen, S. Klotz, M. Kotarac, I. Kühn (Eds.), Atlas of biodiversity risk. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, pp. 30-33.

251 Foetzki, A. PI, Winzeler, M. PI, Boller, T. PI, Felber, F. PI, Gruissem, W. PI, Keel, C. PI, Keller, B. PI, Mascher, F. PI, Maurhofer, M. PI, Nentwig, W. PI, Romeis, J. PI, Sautter, C. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Bigler, F. PI (2011). Freilandversuche mit gentechnisch verändertem Weizen mit Mehltauresistenz. Agrarforschung Schweiz 2: 446-453.

250 Gubsch, M. S, Buchmann, N. PI, Schmid, B. C, Schulze, E.D. C, Lipowsky, A. S, Roscher, C. C (2011). Differential effects of plant diversity on functional trait variation of grass species. Annals of Botany 107: 157-169.

249 Gubsch, M. S, Roscher, C. C, Gleixner, G. C, Habekost, C. S, Lipowsky, C. S, Schmid, B. C, Schulze, E.D. C, Steinbeiss, S. C, Buchmann, N. PI (2011). Foliar and soil 15N values reveal increased nitrogen partitioning among species in diverse grassland communities. Plant, Cell & Environment 34: 895-908.

248 Hector, A. PI, Bell, T. PI, Hautier, Y. S, Isbell, F. PI, Kéry, M. C, Reich, P.B. PI, van Ruijven, J. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2011). BUGS in the analysis of biodiversity experiments: species richness and composition are of similar importance for grassland productivity. PLoS ONE 6(3): e17434 (10 pages).

247 Isbell, F. PI, Calcagno, V. PI, Hector, A. PI, Connolly, J. PI, Harpole, W. S. PI, Reich, P. B. PI, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Tilman, D. PI, van Ruijven, J. PI, Weigelt, A. PI, Wilsey, B. J. PI, Zavaleta, E. S. PI, Loreau, M. PI (2011). High plant diversity is needed to maintain ecosystem services. Nature 477: 199-203.

246 Jousset, A. S, Schmid, B. C, Scheu, S. C, Eisenhauer, N. PI (2011). Genotypic richness and dissimilarity opposingly affect ecosystem functioning. Ecology Letters 14: 537-545.

245 Kalinina, O. S, Zeller, S. L. S, Schmid, B. PI (2011). Competitive performance of transgenic wheat resistant to powdery mildew. PLoS ONE 6(11): e28091 (11 pages).

244 Knop, E. S, Herzog, F. C, Schmid, B. PI (2011). Effect of connectivity of restoration sites on the colonization success of two invertebrate groups with differing dispersal abilities. Restoration Ecology 19: 151-159.

243 Lipowsky, A. S, Schmid, B. PI, Roscher, C. PI (2011). Selection for monoculture and mixture genotypes in a biodiversity experiment. Basic and Applied Ecology 12: 360-371.

242 Rieben, M. S, Zeller, S. L. S, Kalinina, O. S, Schmid, B. PI (2011). Gene flow in genetically modified wheat. PLoS ONE 6(12): e29730 (7 pages).

241 Roscher, C. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Buchmann, N. PI, Weigelt, A. C, Schulze, E.D. PI (2011). Legume species differ in the responses of their functional traits to plant diversity. Oecologia 165: 437-452.

240 Roscher, C. PI, Weigelt, A. PI, Proulx, R. C, Marquard, E. S, Schumacher, J. C, Weisser, W.W. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2011). Identifying population- and community-level mechanisms of diversity–stability relationships in experimental grasslands. Journal of Ecology 99: 1460–1469.

239 Schuldt, A. S, Both, S. S, Bruelheide, H. C, Härdtle, W. C, Schmid, B. C, Zhou, H., Assmann, T. PI (2011). Predator diversity and abundance provide little support for the enemies hypothesis in forests of high tree diversity. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22905 (8 pages).

238 Wagg, C. S, Jansa, J. C, Schmid, B. C, van der Heijden, M.G.A. PI (2011). Belowground biodiversity effects of plant symbionts support aboveground productivity. Ecology Letters 14: 1001–1009.

237 Wagg, C. S, Jansa, J. C, Stadler, M. C, Schmid, B. C, van der Heijden, M.G.A. PI (2011). Mycorrhizal fungal identity and diversity relaxes plant-plant competition. Ecology 92: 1303-1313.

236 Zuppinger-Dingley, D. S, Schmid, B. PI, Chen, Y. S, Brandl, H. C, van der Heijden, M.G.A. C, Joshi, J. PI (2011). In their native range, invasive plants are held in check by negative soil-feedbacks. Ecosphere 2(5): art54 (12 pages).

235 Albrecht, M. PI, Riesen, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Plant–pollinator network assembly along the chronosequence of a glacier foreland. Oikos 119: 1610-1624.

234 Albrecht, M. S, Schmid, B. PI, Obrist, M.K. C, Schüpbach, B. C, Kleijn, D. C, Duelli, P. PI (2010). Effects of ecological compensation areas (restored meadows) on different components of arthropod diversity in adjacent intensively managed grassland. Biological Conservation 143: 642-649.

233 Cavalcanti, C. S, Schläpfer, F. C, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Public participation and willingness to cooperate in common-pool resource management: a field experiment with fishing communities in Brazil. Ecological Economics 69: 613-622.

232 Fakheran, S. S, Paul-Victor, C. S, Heichinger, C. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Grossniklaus, U. PI, Turnbull, L.A. PI (2010). Adaptation and extinction in experimentally fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 107: 19120-19125.

231 He, J.-S. PI, Wang, X. C, Schmid, B. C, Flynn, D.F.B. C, Li, X. S, Reich, P.B. C, Fang, J. PI (2010). Taxonomic identity, phylogeny, climate and soil fertility as drivers of leaf traits across Chinese grassland biomes. Journal of Plant Research 123: 551-561.

230 Hector, A. PI, Hautier, Y. S, Saner, P. S, Wacker, L. S, Bagchi, R. S, Joshi, J. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Spehn, E.M. C, Bazeley-White, E. C, Weilenmann, M. C, Caldeira, M.C. C, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. C, Finn, J.A. C, Huss-Danell, K. C, Jumpponen, A. C, Mulder, C.P.H. C, Palmborg, C. C, Pereira, J.S. C, Siamantziouras, S.D. C, Terry, A.C. C, Troumbis, A.Y. C, Schmid, B. PI, Loreau, M. PI (2010). General stabilizing effects of plant diversity on grassland productivity through population asynchrony and overyielding. Ecology 91: 2213-2220.

229 Hector, A. PI, von Felten, S. C, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Analysis of variance with unbalanced data: an update for ecology & evolution. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 308-316.

228 Jacob, G. S, Debrunner, R. C, Gugerli, F. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Bollmann, K. PI (2010). Field surveys of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in the Swiss Alps underestimated local abundance of the species as revealed by genetic analyses of non-invasive samples. Conservation Genetics 11: 33-44.

227 Ma, W. S, Fang, J. PI, He, J.-S. PI, Yang, Y. C, Wang, X. C, Liang, C. C, Anwar, M. C, Zeng, H. C, Schmid, B. C (2010). Environmental factors co-vary with plant diversity–productivity relationships among Chinese grassland sites. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 233-243.

226 Petermann, J.S. S, Fergus, A.J. S, Roscher, C. C, Turnbull, L.A. C, Weigelt, A. C, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Biology, chance or history? The predictable re-assembly of temperate grassland communities. Ecology 91: 408-421.

225 Petermann, J.S. S, Müller, C.B. C, Roscher, C. C, Weigelt, A. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Plant species loss affects life-history traits of aphids and their parasitoids. PLoS ONE 5(8): e12053 (9 pages).

224 Petermann, J.S. S, Müller, C.B. C, Weigelt, A. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Effect of plant species loss on aphid–parasitoid communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 709-720.

223 Proulx, R. PI, Wirth, C. PI, Voigt, W. PI, Weigelt, W. PI, Roscher, C. PI, Attinger, S. PI, Baade, J. PI, Barnard, R. L. C, Buchmann, N. PI, Buscot, F. PI, Eisenhauer, N. S, Fischer, M. PI, Gleixner, G. PI, Halle, S. PI, Hildebrandt, A. S, Kowalski, E. S, Kuu, A. S, Lange, M. S, Milcu, A. S, Niklaus, P. A. C, Oelmann, Y. S, Rosenkranz, S. S, Sabais, A. S, Scherber, C. S, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. PI, Scheu, S. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Schwichtenberg, G. S, Soussana, J.-F. C, Temperton, V. M. C, Weisser, W. W. PI, Wilcke, W. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Diversity promotes temporal stability across levels of ecosystem organization in experimental grasslands. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13382 (8 pages).

222 Quijas, S. S, Schmid, B. C, Balvanera, P. PI (2010). Plant diversity enhances provision of ecosystem services: a new synthesis. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 582-593.

221 Scherber, C. S, Eisenhauer, N. S, Weisser, W.W. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Voigt, W. PI, Fischer, M. PI, Schulze, E.D. PI, Roscher, C. PI, Weigelt, A. PI, Allan, E. S, Beßler, H. S, Bonkowski, M. C, Buchmann, N. PI, Buscot, F. PI, Clement, L.W. C, Ebeling, A. S, Engels, C. PI, Halle, S. PI, Kertscher, I. C, Klein, A.-M. PI, Koller, R. C, König, S. C, Kowalski, E. C, Kummer, V. C, Kuu, A. C, Lange, M. C, Lauterbach, D. C, Middelhoff, C. C, Migunova, V.D. C, Milcu, A. S, Müller, R. C, Partsch, S. S, Petermann, J.S. S, Renker, C. C, Rottstock, T. S, Sabais, A. S, Scheu, S. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Temperton, V.M. S, Tscharntke, T. PI (2010). Bottom-up effects of plant diversity on biotic interactions in a biodiversity experiment. Nature 468: 553-556.

220 Scherber, C. S, Mwangi, P.N. S, Schmitz, M. S, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Beßler, H. S, Engels, C. C, Eisenhauer, N. S, Migunova, V.D. S, Scheu, S. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Schulze, E.-D. C, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Biodiversity and belowground interactions mediate community invasion resistance against a tall herb invader. Journal of Plant Ecology 3: 99-108.

219 Weigelt, A. PI, Marquard, E. S, Temperton, V.M. S, Roscher, C. PI, Scherber, C. S, Mwangi, P.N. S, Buchmann, N. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Weisser, W.W. PI (2010). The Jena Experiment: six years of data from a grassland biodiversity experiment. Ecology 91: 930 (data paper).

218 Zeller, S.L. S, Kalinina, O. S, Brunner, S. C, Keller, B. C, Schmid, B. PI (2010). Transgene x environment interactions in genetically modified wheat. PLoS ONE, 5(7): e11405 (8 pages).

217 Albrecht, M. S, Duelli, P. PI, Obrist, M.K. C, Kleijn, D. C, Schmid, B. PI (2009) Effective Long-Distance Pollen Dispersal in Centaurea jacea. PLoS ONE 4(8): e6751 (8 pages).

216 Bell, T. PI, Lilley, A.K. C, Hector, A. C, Schmid, B. C, King, L. C, Newman, J.A. C (2009). A linear model method for biodiversity–ecosystem functioning experiments. American Naturalist 174: 836-849.

215 Bergamini, A. C, Peintinger, M. C, Fakheran, S. S, Moradi, H. S, Schmid, B. PI, Joshi, J. PI (2009). Loss of habitat specialists despite conservation management in wetland remnants 1995–2006. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 11: 65-79.

214 Beßler, H. S, Temperton, V.M. C, Roscher, C. C, Buchmann, N. C, Schmid, B. C, Schulze, E.-D. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Engels, C. PI (2009). Aboveground overyielding in grassland mixtures is associated with reduced biomass partitioning to belowground organs. Ecology 90: 1520-1530.

213 He, J.-S. PI, Wang, X. C, Flynn, D.F.B. C, Wang, L. C, Schmid, B. C, Fang, J. PI (2009). Taxonomic, phylogenetic and environmental tradeoffs between leaf productivity and persistence. Ecology 90: 2779–2791.


BC Hector, A. PI, Bell, T. C, Connolly, J. C, Finn, J. C, Fox, J. C, Kirwan, L. C, Loreau, M. C, McLaren, J. C, Schmid, B. C, Weigelt A. C (2009). The analysis of biodiversity experiments: from pattern toward mechanism. In: S. Naeem, D.E. Bunker, A. Hector, M. Loreau, C. Perrings (Eds.), Biodiversity and human impacts. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 3-13.

211 Marquard, E. S, Weigelt, A. C, Roscher, C. C, Gubsch, M. S, Lipowsky, A. S, Schmid, B. PI (2009). Positive biodiversity–productivity relationship due to increased plant density. Journal of Ecology 97: 696-704.

210 Marquard, E. S, Weigelt, A. C, Temperton, V.M. C, Roscher, C. C, Schumacher, J. C, Buchmann, N. C, Fischer, M. C, Weisser, W.W. C, Schmid, B. PI (2009). Plant species richness and functional composition drive overyielding in a 6-year grassland experiment. Ecology 90: 3290–3302.

209 Roscher, C. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI (2009). Non-random recruitment of invader species in experimental grasslands. Oikos, 118: 1524-1540.

208 Salles, J.F. PI, Poly, F. C, Schmid, B. C, Le Roux, X. PI (2009). Community niche predicts the functioning of denitrifying bacterial assemblages. Ecology 90: 3324-3332.


BC Schmid, B. PI, Balvanera, P. PI, Cardinale, B.J. PI, Godbold, J. C, Pfisterer, A.B. C, Raffaelli, D. C, Solan, M. C, Srivastava, D.S. C (2009). Consequences of species loss for ecosystem functioning: meta-analyses of data from biodiversity experiments. In: S. Naeem, D.E. Bunker, A. Hector, M. Loreau, C. Perrings (Eds.), Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and human wellbeing. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 14-29.

206 Schmid, B. PI, Pfisterer, A.B. C, Balvanera, P. PI (2009). Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem, community, and population variables reported 1974–2004. Ecology 90: 853 (data paper).

205 von Felten, S. S, Hector, A. C, Buchmann, N. C, Niklaus, P.A. C, Schmid, B. PI, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. PI (2009). Belowground nitrogen partitioning in experimental grassland plant communities of varying species richness. Ecology 90: 1389-1399.

204 Wacker, L. S, Baudois, O. S, Eichenberger-Glinz, S. C, Schmid, B. PI (2009). Effects of plant species richness on stand structure and productivity. Journal of Plant Ecology 2: 95-106.

203 Wacker, L. S, Baudois, O. S, Eichenberger-Glinz, S. C, Schmid, B. PI (2009). Diversity effects in early- and mid-successional species pools along a nitrogen gradient. Ecology 90: 637-648.

202 Fischer, M. PI, Winkler, E. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2008). Simulating the evolution of a clonal trait in plants with sexual and vegetative reproduction. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 161-171.

201 Flynn, D.F.B. S, He, J.-S. PI, Wolfe-Bellin, K.S. C, Schmid, B. PI, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (2008). Hierarchical reliability in experimental plant communities. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 59-65.

200 Knop, E. S, Schmid, B. PI, Herzog, F. PI (2008). Impact of regional species pool on grasshopper restoration in hay meadows. Restoration Ecology 16: 34-38.

199 Lorentzen, S. S, Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2008). Species richness and identity affect the use of aboveground space in experimental grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 10: 73-87.

198 Petermann, J.S. S, Fergus, A.J. S, Turnbull, L.A. C, Schmid, B. PI (2008). Janzen-Connell effects are both widespread and strong enough to maintain functional diversity in grasslands. Ecology 89: 2399-2406.

197 Rixen, C. S, Huovinen C, C., Houvinen C, K., Stöckli, V. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2008). A plant diversity x water chemistry experiment in subalpine grassland. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 10: 51-61.

196 Roscher, C. PI, Thein, S. S, Schmid, B. PI, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C (2008). Complementary nitrogen use among potentially dominant species in a biodiversity experiment varies between two years. Journal of Ecology 96: 477-488.

195 Schmid, B. PI, Hector, A. C, Saha, P. C, Loreau, M. C (2008). Biodiversity effects and transgressive overyielding. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 95-102.

194 Turnbull, L.A. PI, Paul-Victor, C. S, Schmid, B. PI, Purves, D.W. C (2008). Growth rates, seed size and physiology: do small-seeded species really grow faster? Ecology 89: 1352–1363.

193 von Felten, S. S, Schmid, B. PI (2008). Complementarity among species in horizontal vs. vertical rooting space. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 33-44.

192 Wacker, L. S, Baudois, O. S, Eichenberger-Glinz, S. C, Schmid, B. PI (2008). Environmental heterogeneity increases complementarity in experimental grassland communities. Basic and Applied Ecology 9: 467-474.

191 Weigelt, A. PI, Schumacher, J. PI, Roscher, C. C, Schmid, B. PI (2008). Does biodiversity increase spatial stability in plant community biomass? Ecology Letters 11: 338-347.

190 Albrecht, M. S, Duelli, P. PI, Müller, C.B. C, Kleijn, D. C, Schmid, B. PI (2007). The Swiss agri-environment scheme enhances pollinator diversity and plant reproductive success in nearby intensively managed farmland. Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 813–822.

189 Albrecht, M. S, Duelli, P. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Müller, C.B. C (2007). Interaction diversity within quantified insect food webs in restored and adjacent intensively managed meadows. Journal of Animal Ecology 76: 1015-1025.

188 Bernasconi, G. PI, Lang, D.J. S, Schmid, B. C (2007). Microgametophyte population sizes and plant reproductive output in the insect-pollinated Prunella grandiflora (Lamiaceae). New Phytologist 173: 393-400.

187 Hector, A. PI, Joshi, J. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. PI, Spehn, E.M. C, Wacker, L. S, Weilenmann, M. T, Bazeley-White, E. T, Beierkuhnlein, C. C, Caldeira, M.C. C, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. C, Finn, J.A. C, Huss-Danell, K. C, Jumpponen, A. C, Leadley, P.W. C, Loreau, M. PI, Mulder, C.P.H. C, Nesshöver, C. C, Palmborg, C. C, Read, D.J. PI, Siamantziouras, A.-S.D. C, Terry, A.C. C, Troumbis, A.Y. PI (2007). Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: reconciling the results of experimental and observational studies. Functional Ecology 21: 998-1002.

186 Mwangi, P. N. S, Schmitz, M. S, Scherber, C. S, Roscher, C. C, Schumacher, J. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Weisser, W. W. C, Schmid, B. PI (2007). Niche pre-emption increases with species richness in experimental plant communities. Journal of Ecology 95: 65-78.

185 Roscher, C. PI, Schumacher, J. C, Weisser, W.W. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI (2007). Detecting the role of individual species for overyielding in experimental grassland communities composed of potentially dominant species. Oecologia 154: 535-549.

184 Steinger, T. S, Stephan, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2007). Predicting adaptive evolution under elevated atmospheric CO2 in the perennial grass Bromus erectus. Global Change Biology 13: 1028-1039.

183 Temperton, V.M. PI, Mwangi, P.N. S, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Buchmann, N. PI (2007). Positive interactions between nitrogen-fixing legumes and four different neighbouring species in a biodiversity experiment. Oecologia 151: 190–205.

182 Willi, Y. S, Van Buskirk, J. C, Schmid, B. PI, Fischer, M. PI (2007). Genetic isolation of fragmented populations is exacerbated by drift and selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 534-542.

181 Zeller, S.L. S, Brandl, H. C, Schmid, B. PI (2007). Host-plant selectivity of rhizobacteria in a crop/weed model system. PLoS ONE 2(9): e846 (7 pages).

180 Balvanera, P. C, Pfisterer, A.B. PI, Buchmann, N. C, He, J.-S. C, Nakashizuka, T. C, Raffaelli, D. C, Schmid, B. PI (2006). Quantifying the evidence for biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning and services. Ecology Letters 9: 1146-1156.

179 Grüter, D. S, Schmid, B. C, Brandl, H. PI (2006). Influence of plant diversity and elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels on belowground bacterial diversity. BMC Microbiology 6. doi:10.1186/1471-2180-6-68.

178 He, J.-S. PI, Wang, Z. C, Wang, X. C, Schmid, B. C, Zuo, W. C, Zhou, M. C, Zheng, C. C, Wang, M. C, Fang, J. PI (2006). A test of the generality of leaf trait relationships on the Tibetan Plateau. New Phytologist 170: 835-848.

177 Joshi, J. S, Stoll, P. C, Rusterholz, H.P. S, Schmid, B. PI, Dolt, C. S, Baur, B. PI (2006). Small-scale experimental habitat fragmentation affects colonization-extinction dynamics in species-rich grasslands. Oecologia 148: 144-152.

176 Knop, E. S, Kleijn, D. C, Herzog, F. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2006). Effectiveness of the Swiss agri-environment scheme to promote biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 43: 120-127.

175 Scherber, C. S, Mwangi, P.N. S, Temperton, V.M. S, Roscher, C. S, Schumacher, J. S, Schmid, B. C, Weisser, W. PI (2006). Effects of plant diversity on invertebrate herbivory in experimental grassland. Oecologia 147: 489-500.

174 Van Kleunen, M. C, Stephan, M.A. S, Schmid, B. PI (2006). [CO2]- and density-dependent competition between grassland species. Global Change Biology 12: 2175-2186.

173 Wright, J.P. S, Naeem, S. PI, Hector, A. C, Lehman, C. C, Reich, P.B. C, Schmid, B. C, Tilman, D. C (2006). Conventional functional classification schemes underestimate the relationship with ecosystem functioning. Ecology Letters 9: 111-120.

172 Bartelt-Ryser, J. S, Joshi, J. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Brandl, H. C, Balser, T. C (2005). Soil feedbacks of plant diversity on soil microbial communities and subsequent plant growth. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 7: 27-49.

171 He, J.-S. S, Wolfe-Bellin, K.S. S, Schmid, B. C, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (2005). Density may alter diversity–productivity relationships in experimental plant communities. Basic and Applied Ecology 6: 505-517.

170 Hector, A. PI, Bazeley-White, E. T, Spehn, E.M. C, Joshi, J. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. PI, Beierkuhnlein, C. C, Caldeira, M.C. C, Diemer, M. C, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. C, Finn, J.A. C, Freitas, H. PI, Giller, P.S. PI, Good, J. C, Harris, R. C, Hogberg, P. PI, Huss-Danell, K. C, Jumpponen, A. C, Koricheva, J. C, Körner, C. PI, Leadley, P.W. C, Loreau, M. PI, Minns, A. S, Mulder, C.P.H. C, O'Donovan, G. C, Otway, S.J. S, Pereira, J.S. PI, Prinz, A. S, Read, D.J. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Siamantziouras, A.-S.D. C, Terry, A.C. C, Troumbis, A.Y. PI, Woodward, F.I. PI, Yachi, S. C, Lawton, J.H. PI (2005). Ecosystem effects of the manipulation of plant diversity in European grasslands: data from the BIODEPTH project. Ecological Archives M075-001-S1.


R Hooper, D.U. PI, Chapin, III, F.S. C, Ewel, J.J. C, Hector, A. C, Inchausti, P. C, Lavorel, S. C, Lawton, J.H. C, Lodge, D.M. C, Loreau, M. C, Naeem, S. C, Schmid, B. C, Setälä, H. C, Symstad, A.J. C, Vandermeer, J. C, Wardle, D.A. C (2005). Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning: a consensus of current knowledge. Ecological Monographs 75: 3-35.

168 Paschke, M. S, Bernasconi, G. C, Schmid, B. PI (2005). Effects of inbreeding and pollen donor provenance and diversity on offspring performance under environmental stress in the rare plant Cochlearia bavarica. Basic and Applied Ecology 6: 325-338.

167 Roscher C. S, Temperton, V.M. S, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmitz, M. S, Schumacher, J. S, Schmid, B. PI, Buchmann, N. PI, Weisser, W.W. PI, Schulze, E-.D. PI (2005). Overyielding in experimental grassland communities – irrespective of species pool or spatial scale. Ecology Letters 8: 419-429.


BC Scherer-Lorenzen, M. PI, Potvin, C. PI, Koricheva, J. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Hector, A. PI, Bornik, Z. PI, Reynolds, G. S, Schulze, E.-D. PI (2005). The design of experimental tree plantations for functional biodiversity research. In: M. Scherer-Lorenzen, C. Körner, E.-D. Schulze (Eds.), Forest diversity and function: temperate and boreal systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 347-376.

165 Schläpfer, F. C, Pfisterer, B.A. C, Schmid, B. PI (2005). Non-random species extinction and plant production: implications for ecosystem functioning. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 13-24.

164 Spehn, E.M. PI, Hector, A. PI, Joshi, J. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. PI, Bazeley-White, E. T, Beierkuhnlein, C. C, Caldeira, M.C. C, Diemer, M. C, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. C, Finn, J.A. C, Freitas, H. PI, Giller, P.S. PI, Good, J. C, Harris, R. C, Hogberg, P. PI, Huss-Danell, K. C, Jumpponen, A. C, Koricheva, J. C, Leadley, P.W. C, Loreau, M. PI, Minns, A. C, Mulder, C.P.H. C, O'Donovan, G. C, Otway, S. J. S, Palmborg, C. C, Pereira, J.S. PI, Pfisterer, A.B. C, Prinz, A. S, Read, D.J. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Siamantziouras, A.-S.D. C, Terry, A.C. C, Troumbis, A.Y. PI, Woodward, F.I. PI, Yachi, S. C, Lawton, J.H. PI (2005). Ecosystem effects of biodiversity manipulations in European grasslands. Ecological Monographs 75: 37-63.

163 Turnbull, L.A. PI, Rahm, S. S, Baudois, O. S, Eichenberger-Glinz, S. PI, Wacker, L. S, Schmid, B. PI (2005). Experimental invasion by legumes reveals non-random assembly rules in grassland communities. Journal of Ecology 93: 1062-1070.

162 Van Kleunen, M. S, Fischer, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2005). Three generations under low versus high neighborhood density affect the life history of a clonal plant through differential selection and genetic drift. Oikos 108: 573-581.

161 Wipf, S. S, Rixen, C. C, Fischer, M. C, Schmid, B. C, Stöckli, V. PI (2005). Effects of ski piste preparation on alpine vegetation. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 306-316.

160 Bossdorf, O. S, Prati, D. PI, Auge, H. C, Schmid, B. PI (2004). Reduced competitive ability in an invasive plant. Ecology Letters 7: 346-353.

159 Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. S, Schmid, B. PI (2004). Positive biodiversity effects increase linearly with biotope space. Ecology Letters 7: 574-583.

158 Fischer, M. PI, van Kleunen, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2004). Experimental life-history evolution: selection on growth form and its plasticity in a clonal plant. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17: 331-341.

157 Hooftman, D.A.P. S, Billeter, R.C. S, Schmid, B. PI, Diemer, M. PI (2004). Genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on common species of Swiss fen meadows. Conservation Biology 18: 1043-1051.


BC Joshi, J. PI, Otway, S.J. S, Koricheva, J. PI, Pfisterer, A.B. PI, Alphei, J. PI, Roy, B.A. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Spehn, E. PI, Hector, A. PI (2004). Bottom-up effects and feedbacks in simple and diverse experimental grassland communities. In: W.W. Weisser, E. Siemann (Eds.), Insects and Ecosystem Function. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 115-134.

155 Mulder, C.P.H. PI, Bazely-White, E. T, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. S, Hector, A. C, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. C, Schmid, B. C (2004). Species evenness and productivity in experimental plant communities. Oikos 107: 50-63.

154 Pfisterer, A.B. S, Joshi, J. S, Schmid, B. PI, Fischer, M. C (2004). Rapid decay of diversity–productivity relationships after invasion in experimental plant communities. Basic and Applied Ecology 5: 5-14.

153 Roscher, C. S, Schumacher, J. S, Baade, J. PI, Wilcke, W. PI, Gleixner, G. PI, Weisser, W.W. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI (2004). The role of biodiversity for element cycling and trophic interactions: an experimental approach in a grassland community. Basic and Applied Ecology 5: 107-121.

152 Salamon, J.-A. S, Schaefer, M. C, Alphei, J. C, Schmid, B. C, Scheu, S. PI (2004). Effects of plant diversity on Collembola in an experimental grassland ecosystem. Oikos 106: 51-60.

151 Schmid, B. PI, Hector, A. C (2004). The value of biodiversity experiments. Basic and Applied Ecology 5: 535-542.

150 Van Kleunen, M. S, Ramponi, G. S, Schmid, B. PI (2004). Effects of herbivory simulated by clipping and jasmonic acid on Solidago canadensis. Basic and Applied Ecology 5: 173-181.


R Bernasconi, G. PI, Ashman, T.-L. C, Birkhead, T.R. C, Bishop, J.D.D. C, Grossniklaus, U. C, Kubli, E. C, Marshall, D.L. C, Schmid, B. PI, Skogsmyr, I. C, Snook, R.R. C, Taylor, D. C, Till-Bottraud, I. C, Ward, P.I. C, Zeh, D.W. C, Hellriegel, B. PI (2004). Evolutionary ecology of the prezygotic stage. Science 303: 971-975.

148 Bernasconi, G. PI, Paschke, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2003). Diversity effects in reproductive biology. Oikos 102: 217-220.

147 Gautschi, B. S, Jacob, G. C, Negro, J.J. C, Godoy, J.A. C, Müller, J.P. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2003). Analysis of relatedness and determination of the source of founders in the captive bearded vulture, Gypaetus barbatus, population. Conservation Genetics 4: 479-490.

146 Gautschi, B. S, Müller, J.P. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Shykoff, J.A. C (2003). Effective number of breeders and maintenance of genetic diversity in the captive bearded vulture population. Heredity 91: 9-16.

145 Kéry, M. S, Matthies, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2003). Demographic stochasticity in population fragments of the declining distylous perennial Primula veris (Primulaceae). Basic and Applied Ecology 4: 197-206.

144 Paland, S. S, Schmid, B. PI (2003). Population size and the nature of genetic load in Gentianella germanica. Evolution 57: 2242-2251.

143 Paschke, M. S, Bernasconi, G. C, Schmid, B. PI (2003). Population size and identity influence the reaction norm of the rare, endemic plant Cochlearia bavarica across a gradient of environmental stress. Evolution 57: 496-508.

142 Peintinger, M. S, Bergamini, A. S, Schmid, B. PI (2003). Species–area relationships and nestedness of four taxonomic groups in fragmented wetlands. Basic and Applied Ecology 4:385-394.

141 Pfisterer, A.B. S, Diemer, M. C, Schmid, B. PI (2003). Dietary shift and lowered biomass gain of a generalist herbivore in species-poor experimental plant communities. Oecologia 135: 234-241.


BC Schmid, B. PI (2003). Biodiversität: Prinzip und Messbarkeit. In: Kulturelle Diversität im Alpenraum. Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Bern; pp. 15-38.

139 Schmid, B. PI (2003). Funktionelle Bedeutung der Artenvielfalt. Biologie in unserer Zeit 33: 356-365.

138 Schmid, B. PI (2003). Wie wirkt sich ein Rückgang der Biodiversität auf die Produktivität von Graslandökosystemen aus? Nova Acta Leopoldina 87: 113-131.

137 Schmid, B. PI, Pfisterer, A.B. S (2003). Species vs community perspectives in biodiversity experiments. Oikos 100: 620-621.

136 Van Kleunen, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2003). No evidence for an evolutionary increased competitive ability in an invasive plant. Ecology 84: 2816-2823.

135 Gautschi, B. S, Klug Arter, M. C, Husi, R. T, Wettstein, W. S, Schmid, B. PI (2002). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the globally endangered Corncrake, Crex crex Linné. Conservation Genetics 3: 451-453.

134 He, J.-S. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI, Schmid, B. C (2002). Interactive effects of diversity, nutrients and elevated CO2 on experimental plant communities. Oikos 97: 337-348.

133 Hector, A. PI, Bazeley-White, E. T, Loreau, M. PI, Otway, S. S, Schmid, B. PI (2002). Overyielding in grassland communities: testing the sampling effect hypothesis with replicated biodiversity experiments. Ecology Letters 5: 502-511.


BC Hector A. PI & the BIODEPTH project PI (incl. Schmid, B.) (2002 [2001]). Biodiversity and the functioning of grassland ecosystems: multi-site comparisons. In: A. P. Kinzig, S. W. Pacala, D. Tilman (Eds.), Functional consequences of biodiversity: empirical progress and theoretical extensions. Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 71-95.


BC Hector, A. PI, Loreau, M. C, Schmid, B. C, and the BIODEPTH project (2002). Biodiversity manipulation experiments: studies replicated at multiple sites. In: M. Loreau, S. Naeem, P. Inchausti (Eds.), Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: synthesis and perspectives. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 36-46.

130 Lienert, J. S, Diemer, M. C, Schmid, B. PI (2002). Effects of habitat fragmentation on population structure and fitness components of the wetland specialist Swertia perennis L. (Gentianaceae). Basic and Applied Ecology 3: 101-114.

129 Paschke, M. S, Abs, C. C, Schmid, B. PI (2002). Effects of population size and pollen diversity on reproductive success and offspring size in the narrow endemic Cochlearia bavarica (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 89: 1250-1259.

128 Paschke, M. S, Abs, C. C, Schmid, B. PI (2002). Relationship between population size, allozyme variation, and plant performance in the narrow endemic Cochlearia bavarica. Conservation Genetics 3: 131-144.

127 Pauli, D. S, Peintinger, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2002). Nutrient enrichment in calcareous fens: effects on plant species and community structure. Basic and Applied Ecology 3: 255-266.

126 Pfisterer, A.B. S, Schmid, B. PI (2002). Diversity-dependent production can decrease the stability of ecosystem functioning. Nature 416: 84-86.

125 Schmid, B. PI (2002). The species richness–productivity controversy. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 113-114.


BC Schmid, B. PI, Hector, A. C, Huston, M. C, Inchausti, P. C, Nijs, I. C, Leadley, P. C, Tilman, D. C (2002). The design and analysis of biodiversity experiments. In: M. Loreau, S. Naeem, P. Inchausti (Eds.), Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: synthesis and perspectives. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 61-75.


BC Schmid, B. PI, Joshi, J. S, Schläpfer, F. S (2002 [2001]). Empirical evidence for biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. In: A. P. Kinzig, S. W. Pacala, D. Tilman (Eds.), Functional consequences of biodiversity: empirical progress and theoretical extensions. Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 120-150.

122 Spehn, E.M. S, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. S, Schmid, B. PI, Hector, A. S, Caldeira, M.C. S, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. S, Finn, J.A. S, Jumpponen A. S, O'Donnovan, G. C, Pereira, J.S. PI, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Troumbis, A.Y. PI, Körner, C. PI (2002). The role of legumes as a component of biodiversity in a cross-European study of grassland biomass nitrogen. Oikos 98: 205-218.

121 Van Kleunen, M. S, Fischer, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2002). Experimental life-history evolution: selection on the allocation to sexual reproduction and its plasticity in a clonal plant. Evolution 56: 2168-2177.

120 Bergamini, A. S, Pauli, D. S, Peintinger, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2001). Relationships between productivity, number of shoots, and number of species in bryophytes and vascular plants. Journal of Ecology 89: 920-929.

119 Bergamini, A S., Peintinger, M. S, Schmid, B. PI, Urmi, E. PI (2001). Effects of management and altitude on bryophyte species diversity and composition in montane calcareous fens. Flora 196: 180-193.

118 Biesecker, A. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2001). Vom Wert der Vielfalt — Folgerungen für den Umgang mit Vielfalt in Ökonomie und Ökologie. Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung, Sonderheft 13: 263-273.

117 Bühler, C. S, Schmid, B. PI (2001). The influence of management regime and altitude on the population structure of Succisa pratensis: implications for vegetation monitoring. Journal of Applied Ecology 38: 689-698.

116 Diemer, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2001). Effects of biodiversity loss and disturbance on the survival and performance of two Ranunculus species with differing clonal architectures. Ecography 24: 59-67.

115 Egli, P. S, Schmid, B. PI (2001). The analysis of complex leaf survival data. Basic and Applied Ecology 2: 223-231.

114 Groppe, K. S, Steinger, T. S, Schmid, B. PI, Baur, B. PI, Boller, T. PI (2001). Effects of habitat fragmentation on choke disease (Epichloë bromicola) in the grass Bromus erectus. Journal of Ecology 89: 247-255.

113 Joshi, J. C, Schmid, B. PI, Caldeira, M.C. S, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. S, Good, J. C, Harris, R. C, Hector, A. S, Huss-Danell, K. C, Jumpponen, A. S, Minns, A. S, Mulder, C.P.H. S, Pereira, J.S. PI, Prinz, A. S, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. S, Siamantziouras, A.-S. D. S, Terry, A.C. S, Troumbis, A.Y. PI, Lawton, J.H. PI (2001). Local adaptation enhances performance of common plant species. Ecology Letters 4: 536-544.


R Loreau, M. PI, Naeem, S. PI, Inchausti, P. S, Bengtsson, J. C, Grime, J.P. C, Hector, A. C, Hooper, D.U. C, Huston, M.A. C, Raffaelli, D. C, Schmid, B. C, Tilman, D. C. Wardle, D.A. C (2001). Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: current knowledge and future challenges. Science 294: 804-808.

111 Minns, A. S, Finn, J. S, Hector, A. S, Caldeira, M. S, Joshi, J. S, Palmborg, C. S, Schmid, B. PI, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. S, Spehn, E. S, Troumbis, A. PI, the BIODEPTH project PI (2001). The functioning of European grassland ecosystems: potential benefits of biodiversity to agriculture. Outlook on Agriculture 30: 179-185.

110 Niklaus, P.A. S, Kandeler, E. C, Leadley, P.W. C, Schmid, B. C, Tscherko, D. C, Körner, C. PI (2001). A link between plant diversity, elevated CO2 and soil nitrate. Oecologia 127: 540-548.

109 Niklaus, P.A. S, Leadley, P.W. C, Schmid, B. C, Körner, C. PI (2001). A long-term field study on biodiversity x elevated CO2 interactions in grassland. Ecological Monographs 71: 341-356.

108 Van Kleunen, M. S, Fischer, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2001). Effects of intraspecific competition on size variation and reproductive allocation in a clonal plant. Oikos 94: 515-524.

107 Egli, P. S, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Seasonal dynamics of biomass and nitrogen in canopies of Solidago altissima and effects of a yearly mowing treatment. Acta Oecologica 21: 63-77.

106 Fischer, M. PI, Husi, R. T, Prati, D. C, Peintinger, M. S, van Kleunen, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2000). RAPD variation among and within small and large populations of the rare clonal plant Ranunculus reptans (Ranunculaceae). American Journal of Botany 87: 1128-1137.

105 Fischer, M. PI, Van Kleunen, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Genetic Allee effects on performance, plasticity and developmental stability in a clonal plant. Ecology Letters 3: 530-539.

104 Gautschi, B. S, Tenzer, I. C, Müller, J.P. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) and cross-amplification in three Old World vulture species. Molecular Ecology 9: 2193-2196.

103 Hector, A. S, Schmid, B. PI, Beierkuhnlein, C. C, Caldeira, M.C. S, Diemer, M. S, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. S, Finn, J. S, Freitas, H. PI, Giller, P.S. PI, Good, J. C, Harris, R. C, Högberg, P. PI, Huss-Danell, K. C, Joshi, J. S, Jumpponen, A. S, Körner, C. PI, Leadley, P.W. C, Loreau, M. PI, Minns, A. S, Mulder, C.P.H. S, O’Donovan, G. C, Otway, S. J. S, Pereira, J.S. PI, Prinz, A. S, Read, D.J. PI, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. S, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Siamantziouras, A.-S.D. S, Spehn, E.M. S, Terry, A.C. S, Troumbis, A.Y. PI, Woodward, F.I. PI, Yachi, S. S, Lawton, J.H. PI (2000). No consistent effect of plant diversity on productivity — Response. Science, 289,

102 Held, M. PI, Hofmeister, S. PI, Kümmerer, K. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Auf dem Weg von der Durchflussökonomie zur nachhaltigen Stoffwirtschaft: Ein Vorschlag zur Weiterentwicklung der grundlegenden Regeln. Gaia 9: 257-266.

101 Joshi, J. S, Matthies, D. C, Schmid, B PI. (2000). Root hemiparasites and plant diversity in experimental grassland communities. Journal of Ecology 88: 634-644.

100 Klaus-Hügi, C. S, Klaus, G. S, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Movement patterns and home range of the bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus) in the rain forest of the Dzanga National Park, Central African Republic. African Journal of Ecology 38: 53-61.

99 Koricheva, J. C, Mulder, C.P.H. C, Schmid, B. C, Joshi, J. S, Huss-Danell, K. PI (2000). Numerical responses of different trophic groups of invertebrates to manipulations of plant diversity in grasslands. Oecologia 125: 271-282.

98 Müller, I. S, Schmid, B. PI, Weiner, J. C (2000). The effect of nutrient availability on biomass allocation patterns in 27 species of herbaceous plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 3: 115-127.

97 Prati, D. S, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Genetic differentiation of life-history traits within populations of the clonal plant Ranunculus reptans. Oikos 90: 442-456.

96 Schmid, B. PI (2000). Biodiversität: dynamisch, kostbar und schützenswert. Agrarforschung 7: 528-533.


BC Schmid, B. PI., Schläpfer, F. S (2000). Die voraussichtlichen Kosten des Nicht-Schützens der Biodiversität. In: Bartmann, H., John, K.D. (Eds.), Natur und Umwelt. Beiträge zum 9. und 10. Mainzer Umweltsymposium. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 241-263.

94 Spehn, E.M. S, Joshi, J. S, Schmid, B. PI, Alphei, J. C, Körner, C. PI (2000). Plant diversity effects on soil heterotrophic activity in experimental grassland ecosystems. Plant & Soil 224: 217-230.

93 Spehn, E.M. S, Joshi, J. S, Schmid, B. PI, Diemer, M. S, Körner, C. PI (2000). Aboveground resource use increases with plant species richness in experimental grassland ecosystems. Functional Ecology 14: 326-337.

92 Steinger, T. C, Gall, R. S, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Maternal and direct effects of elevated CO2 on seed provisioning, germination and seedling growth in Bromus erectus. Oecologia 123: 475-480.

91 Stephan, A. S, Meyer, A.H. C, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Plant diversity positively affects soil bacterial diversity in experimental grassland ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 88: 988-998.

90 Van Kleunen, M. S, Fischer, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Clonal integration in Ranunculus reptans: by-product or adaptation? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 237-248.

89 Van Kleunen, M. S, Fischer, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2000). Costs of plasticity in foraging characters of the clonal plant Ranunculus reptans. Evolution 54: 1947-1955.

88 Adam, B. PI, Biesecker, A. PI, Held, M. PI, Hofmeister, S. PI, Kümmerer, K. PI, Reheis, F. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Schramm, E. PI, Spitzner, M. PI (1999). Zeit der Erneuerung. Politische Ökologie 57/58: 111-112.

87 Dietz, H. C, Fischer, M. C, Schmid, B. PI (1999). Genetic variation during 9 years of population development of the invasive plant Bunias orientalis. Oecologia 120: 225-234.

86 Egli, P. S, Schmid, B. PI (1999). Relationships between leaf nitrogen and limitations of photosynthesis in canopies of Solidago altissima. Acta Oecologica 20: 559-579.

85 Groppe, K. S, Steinger, T. S, Sanders, I. C, Schmid, B. C, Wiemken, A. PI, Boller, T. C (1999). Interaction between the endophytic fungus Epichloë bromicola and the grass Bromus erectus: effects of endophyte infection, fungal concentration and environment on grass growth and flowering. Molecular Ecology 8: 1827-1835.

84 Hector, A. S, Schmid, B. PI, Beierkuhnlein, C. PI, Caldeira, M.C. S, Diemer, M. S, Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. S, Finn, J. S, Freitas, H. PI, Giller, P. S. PI, Good, J S., Harris, R. S, Högberg, P. PI, Huss-Danell, K. PI, Joshi, J. S, Jumpponen, A. S, Körner, C. PI, Leadley, P.W. S, Loreau, M. PI, Minns, A. S, Mulder, C.P.H. S, O’Donovan, G. PI, Otway, S. J. S, Pereira, J.S. PI, Prinz, A. S, Read, D.J. PI, Scherer-Lorenzen, M. S, Schulze, E.-D. PI, Siamantziouras, A.-S.D. S, Spehn, E.M. S, Terry, A.C. S, Troumbis, A.Y. PI, Woodward, F.I. PI, Yachi, S. S, Lawton, J.H. PI (1999). Plant diversity and productivity experiments in European grasslands. Science 286: 1123-1127.

83 Hooftman, D.A.P. S, Diemer, M. PI, Lienert, J. S, Schmid, B. PI (1999). Does habitat fragmentation reduce the long-term survival of isolated populations of dominant plants? A field design. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH 65: 59-72.

82 Klaus-Hügi, C. S, Klaus, G. S, Schmid, B. PI, König, B. C (1999). Feeding ecology of a large social antelope in the rainforest. Oecologia 119: 81-90.

81 Krahulec, F., Marhold, K., Schmid, B. (1999). Ecology of closely related plant species: an introduction. Folia Geobotanica 34: 1-5.

80 Meyer, A.H S., Schmid, B. PI (1999). Seed dynamics and seedling establishment in the invading perennial Solidago altissima under different experimental treatments. Journal of Ecology 87: 28-41.

79 Meyer, A.H. S, Schmid, B. PI (1999). Experimental demography of rhizome populations of establishing clones of Solidago altissima. Journal of Ecology 87: 42-54.

78 Meyer, A.H. S, Schmid, B. PI (1999). Experimental demography of the old-field perennial Solidago altissima — The dynamics of the shoot population. Journal of Ecology 87: 17-27.

77 Schläpfer, F. S, Schmid, B. PI (1999). Ecosystem effects of biodiversity—a classification of hypotheses and cross-system exploration of empirical results. Ecological Applications 9: 893-912.

76 Schläpfer, F. S, Schmid, B. C, Seidl, I PI. (1999). Expert estimates about effects of biodiversity on ecosystem processes and services. Oikos 84: 346-352.

75 Stocker, R. S, Körner, C. PI, Schmid, B. C, Niklaus, P.A. S, Leadley, P.W. C (1999). A field study of the effects of elevated CO2 and plant species diversity on ecosystem-level gas exchange in a planted calcareous grassland. Global Change Biology 5: 95-105.

74 Wettstein, W. S, Schmid, B. PI (1999). Conservation of arthropod diversity in montane wetlands: effect of altitude, habitat quality and habitat fragmentation on butterflies and grasshoppers. Journal of Applied Ecology 36: 363-373.

73 Winkler, E. C, Fischer, M. C, Schmid, B. PI (1999). Modeling the competitiveness of clonal plants by complementary analytical and simulation approaches. Oikos 85: 217-233.


R Fischer, M. C, Schmid, B. PI (1998). Die Bedeutung der genetischen Vielfalt für das Überleben von Populationen. Laufener Seminarbeiträge 2/98: 23-30.

71 Klaus, G. S, Schmid, B. PI (1998). Geophagy at natural licks and mammal ecology: a review. Mammalia 62: 481-497.

70 Klaus, G. S, Klaus-Hügi, C. S, Schmid, B. PI (1998). Geophagy by large mammals at natural licks in the rainforest of the Dzanga National Park, Central African Republic. Journal of Tropical Ecology 14: 829-839.

69 Stoll, P. S, Schmid, B. PI (1998). Plant foraging and dynamic competition between branches of Pinus sylvestris in contrasting light environments. Journal of Ecology 86: 934-945.

68 Stoll, P. S, Egli, P. S, Schmid, B. PI (1998). Plant foraging and rhizome growth patterns of Solidago altissima L. in response to mowing and fertilizer application. Journal of Ecology 86: 341-354.

67 Suter, W. PI, Bürgi, M. C, Ewald, K.C. PI, Baur, B. C, Duelli, P. C, Edwards, P.J. C, Lachavanne, J.-B. C, Nievergelt, B. C, Schmid, B. C, Wildi, O. C (1998). Ein Planungsauftrag des Übereinkommens von Rio'92: Die Biodiversitätsstrategie als Naturschutzkonzept auf nationaler Ebene. Gaia 7: 174-183.

66 Weber, E. S, Schmid, B. PI (1998). Latitudinal population differentiation in two species of Solidago (Asteraceae) introduced into Europe. American Journal of Botany 85: 1110-1121.

65 Diemer, M. S, Joshi, J. S, Körner, C. C, Schmid, B. PI, Spehn, E. S (1997). An experimental protocol to assess the effects of plant diversity on ecosystem functioning utilised in a European research network. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH 63: 95-107.

64 Fischer, M. S, Matthies, D. PI, Schmid, B. PI (1997). Responses of rare calcareous grassland plants to elevated CO2: a field experiment with Gentianella germanica and Gentiana cruciata. Journal of Ecology 85: 681-691.

63 Prati, D. S, Matthies, D. C, Schmid, B. PI (1997). Reciprocal parasitization in Rhinanthus serotinus: a model system of physiological integration in clonal plants. Oikos 78: 221-229.

62 Schmid, B. PI, Schelske, O. S (1997). Der Boden lebt. Politische Ökologie, Sonderheft 10: 60-64.

61 Steinger, T S., Lavigne, C. S, Birrer, A. S, Groppe, K. S, Schmid, B. PI (1997). Genetic variation in response to elevated CO2 in three grassland perennials—a field experiment with two competition regimes. Acta Oecologica 18: 263-268.

60 Weiner, J. C, Martinez, S. S, Müller-Schärer, H. C, Stoll, P. S, Schmid, B. PI (1997). How important are environmental maternal effects in plants? A study with Centaurea maculosa. Journal of Ecology 85: 133-142.


BC Baur, B. PI, Schmid, B. PI (1996). Spatial and temporal patterns of genetic diversity within species. In: Gaston, K. J. (Ed.), Biodiversity: a biology of numbers and difference. Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford, pp. 169-201.

58 Baur, B. PI, Joshi, J S., Schmid, B. PI, Hänggi, A. C, Borcard, D. C, Stary, J. C, Pedroli, A. C, Thommen, G.H. C, Luka, H. C, Rusterholz, H.P. S, Oggier, P. S, Ledergerber, S. S, Erhardt, A. PI (1996). Variation in species richness of plants and diverse groups of invertebrates in three calcareous grasslands of the Swiss Jura mountains. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 103: 801-833.

57 Heeb, A. S, Staudenmann, J. C, Schmid, B. PI (1996). Wastewater purification efficiency and growth of aquatic macrophytes—possible use in aquaculture for nutrient recycling. Environmental Research Forum 5-6: 375-577.


BC McLellan, A. C, Prati, D. S, Kaltz, O. S, Schmid, B. PI (1997). Structure and analysis of phenotypic and genetic variation in clonal plants. In: de Kroon, H., van Groenendael, J. (Eds.), The ecology and evolution of clonal plants. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp.185-210.

55 Meyer, A.H. C, Eichenberger, S. C, Schmid, B. PI (1996). Was wird von einem Nachdiplomstudium in Umweltwissenschaften erwartet? Gaia 5: 44-52.

54 Schmid, B. PI (1996). Wieviel Natur brauchen wir? Gaia 5: 225-235.


BC Schmid, B. PI (1996). Biodiversity management in peri-urban environments in Switzerland. In: di Castri, F., Younès, T. (Eds.), Biodiversity, science and development: towards a new partnership. CAB International, Wallingford, England, pp. 576-580.


BC Schmid, B. PI, Birrer, A. S, Lavigne, C S. (1996). Genetic variation in the response of plant populations to elevated CO2 in a nutrient-poor, calcareous grassland. In: Körner, C., Bazzaz, F.A. (Eds.), Carbon dioxide, populations, and communities. Academic Press, San Diego, California, pp. 31-50.

51 Steinger, T. S, Körner, C. C, Schmid, B. PI (1996). Long-term persistence in a changing climate: DNA analysis suggests very old ages of clones of alpine Carex curvula. Oecologia 105: 94-99.


R Kaltz, O. S, Schmid, B. PI (1995). Plant venereal disease: a model for integrating genetics, ecology and epidemiology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 10: 221-222.


BC Matthies, D. S, Schmid, B. PI (1995). Bedeutung und Probleme der empirischen Forschung in den Umweltwissenschaften. In: Polasek, W. (Ed.), Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der empirischen Wissenschaften. Verlag des Kantons Basel-Landschaft, Liestal, pp. 175-189.

48 Matthies, D. C, Schmid, B. PI, Schmid-Hempel, P. C (1995). The importance of population processes for the maintenance of biological diversity. Gaia 4: 199-209.

47 Schmid, B. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI, Weiner, J. C (1995). Size dependency of sexual reproduction and of clonal growth in two perennial plants. Canadian Journal of Botany, 73: 1831-1837.

46 Weber, M. S, Schmid, B. PI (1995). Reductionism, holism, and integrated approaches in biodiversity research. Interdisciplinary Science Review 20: 49-60.

45 Weber, M. S, Körner, C. C, Schmid, B. C, Arber, W. PI (1995). Diversity in a changing world. Gaia 4: 185-190.

44 Winkler, E. C, Schmid, B. PI (1995). Clonal strategies of herbaceous plant species—a simulation study on population growth and competition. [Oborny, B., Podani, J. (eds.) (1995) Clonality in plant communities. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Clonal Plants.] Abstracta Botanica 19: 17-28.

43 Schmid, B. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (1994). Crown construction, leaf dynamics, and carbon gain in two perennials with contrasting architecture. Ecological Monographs 64: 177-203.

42 Schmid, B. PI, Dolt, C. S (1994). Effects of maternal and paternal environment and genotype on offspring phenotype in Solidago altissima L. Evolution 48: 1525-1549.

41 Schmid, B. PI, Matthies, D. C (1994). Seltenheit und Gefährdung — Populationsbiologische Grundlagen des Artenschutzes. Naturwissenschaften 81: 283-292.

40 Schmid, B. PI (1994). Effects of genetic diversity in experimental stands of Solidago altissima — evidence for the potential role of pathogens as selective agents in plant populations. Journal of Ecology 82: 165-175.

39 Schmid, B. PI, Polasek, W. C, Weiner, J. C, Krause, A. S, Stoll, P. S (1994). Modelling of discontinuous relationships in biology with censored regression. American Naturalist 143: 494-507.

38 Stoll, P. S, Weiner, J. C, Schmid, B. PI (1994). Growth variation in a naturally-established population of Pinus silvestris. Ecology 75: 660-670.

37 Rusterholz, H.P. S, Stöcklin, J. PI, Schmid, B. C (1993). Populationsbiologische Studien an Geum reptans L. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 22: 337-346.

36 Schmid, B. PI, Weiner, J. C (1993). Plastic relationships between reproductive and vegetative mass in Solidago altissima. Evolution 47: 61-74.

35 Weber, E. S, Schmid, B. PI (1993). Das Neophytenproblem. Dissertationes Botanicae 196: 209-227.

34 Meyer, A.H. S, Schmid, B. PI (1992). Der Beitrag der Populationsbiologie zum Verständnis biologischer Invasionen. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 21: 285-293.


R Schmid, B. PI (1992). Phenotypic variation in plants. Evolutionary Trends in Plants 6: 45-60.

32 Schmid, B. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (1992). Growth responses of rhizomatous plants to fertilizer application and interference. Oikos 65: 13-24.


BC Bornkamm, R. PI, Eggert. A. PI, Küppers, M. PI, Schmid, B. PI, Stöcklin, J. PI (1991). Liste populationsbiologisch relevanter Begriffe. In: Schmid, B., Stöcklin, J. (Eds.), Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 9-13.


BC Egli, P. S, Schmid, B. PI (1991). Beziehung zwischen Struktur und Dynamik von Blattpopulationen und Sprosswachstum. In: Schmid, B., Stöcklin, J. (Eds.), Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 179-200.


BC Meyer, A.H. S, Schmid, B. PI (1991). Experimentelle Demographie von Pflanzen: Solidago altissima. In: Schmid, B., Stöcklin, J. (Eds.), Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 123-146.


BC Pankow, W. PI, Rohrer, S. S, Schmid, B. C, Boller, T. C, Wiemken, A. PI (1991). Morphologische Untersuchungen an Ästen und am Stamm von sechs Altfichten der Lägeren. In: Stark, M. (Ed.), Luftschadstoffe und Wald. Verlag der Fachvereine, Zürich.


BC Schmid, B. PI (1991). Konkurrenz bei Pflanzen. In: Schmid, B., Stöcklin, J. (Eds.), Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 201-210.

26 Schmid, B. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (1991). Growth of transplanted and native shoots in perennials with contrasting genet architecture. Flora 185: 335-344.


BC Stoll, P. S, Weiner, J. C, Schmid, B. PI (1991). Ursachen der Grössenvariabilität in einer Population von Pinus silvestris. In: Schmid, B., Stöcklin, J. (Eds.), Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 211-236.

24 Pankow, W.PI, Niederer, M. S, Wieser, U. S, Schmid, B. C, Boller, T. C, Wiemken, A. PI (1990). Field study of mycorrhizal activity in spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 28: 365-370.


R Schmid, B. PI (1990). Some ecological and evolutionary consequences of modular organization and clonal growth in plants. Evolutionary Trends in Plants 4: 25-34.

22 Schmid, B. PI (1990). Populationsbiologische Modelle für Unkräuter mit vegetativer Vermehrung. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft 12: 137-146.

21 Schmid, B. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (1990). Plasticity in plant size and architecture in rhizome-derived vs. seed-derived Solidago and Aster. Ecology 71: 523-535.

20 Schmid, B. S, Miao, S.L. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (1990). Effects of simulated root herbivory and fertilizer application on growth and biomass allocation in the clonal perennial Solidago canadensis. Oecologia 75: 465-471.

19 Pankow, W. PI, Niederer, M. S, Wieser, U. S, Schmid, B. C, Boller, T. C, Wiemken, A. C (1989). Biochemical symptoms of stress in the mycorrhizal roots of Norway spruce (Picea abies). Trees 3: 65-72.


BC Pankow, W. PI, Niederer, M. S, Wieser, U. S, Schmid, B. C (1988). Physiological monitoring of mycorrhizal activity in a spruce stand. In: Jansen, A.E., Dighton, J., Bresser, A.H.M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the workshop on ectomycorrhyza/Expert meeting. Bilthoven (NL), pp. 60-67.

17 Schmid, B. S, Puttick, G.M. S, Burgess, K.H. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (1988). Correlations between genet architecture and some life history features in three species of Solidago. Oecologia 75: 459-464.

16 Schmid, B. S, Puttick, G.M. S, Burgess, K.H. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (1988). Clonal integration and effects of simulated herbivory in old-field perennials. Oecologia 75: 465-471.

15 [Sackville] Hamilton, N.R. S, Schmid, B. S, Harper, J.L. PI (1987). Life history concepts and the population biology of clonal organisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 232: 35-57.

14 Schmid, B. S, Bazzaz, F.A. PI (1987). Clonal integration and population structure in perennials: effects of severing rhizome connections. Ecology 68: 2016-2022.

13 Schmid, B. PI (1986). Colonizing plants with persistent seeds and persistent seedlings (Carex flava group). Botanica Helvetica 96: 19-26.

12 Schmid, B. PI (1986). Patterns of variation and population structure in the Carex flava group. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 27(2): 113-126.

11 Schmid, B. S (1986). Spatial dynamics and integration within clones of grassland perennials with different growth form. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 228: 173-186.

10 Schmid, B. S (1985). Clonal growth in grassland perennials. II. Growth form and fine-scale colonizing ability. Journal of Ecology 73: 809-818.

9 Schmid, B. S (1985). Clonal growth in grassland perennials. III. Genetic variation and plasticity between and within populations of Bellis perennis and Prunella vulgaris. Journal of Ecology 73: 819-830.

8 Schmid, B. S, Harper, J.L. PI (1985). Clonal growth in grassland perennials. I. Density and pattern dependent competition between plants with different growth form. Journal of Ecology 73: 793-808.

7 Schmid, B. S (1984). Niche width and variation within and between populations in colonizing species (Carex flava group). Oecologia 63: 1-5.

6 Schmid, B. S (1984). Life histories in clonal plants of the Carex flava group. Journal of Ecology 72: 93-114.

5 Schmid, B. S (1983). Notes on the nomenclature and taxonomy of the Carex flava group in Europe. Watsonia 14: 309-319.

4 Schmid, B. S (1982). Karyology and hybridization in the Carex flava complex in Switzerland. Feddes Repertorium 93: 23-59.

3 Schneller, J.J. PI, Schmid, B.[W.] C (1982). Investigations on the intraspecific variability in Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth. Bulletin Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. B [Adansonia] 4: 215-228.

2 Schmid, B. S (1981). Die Verbreitung der Artengruppe Carex flava L. s.l. in der Schweiz. Botanica Helvetica 91: 3-8.

1 Schmid, B. S (1976). Floristische Untersuchungen im Neuweiher bei Kreuzlingen. Mitteilungen der Thurgauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 41: 23-48.


4 Baur, B., Duelli, P., Edwards, P.J., Jenny, M., Klaus, G., Künzle, I., Martinez, S., Pauli, D., Peter, K., Schmid, B., Seidl, I., Suter, W. (2004). La biodiversité en Suisse — Etat, sauvegarde, perspectives. Haupt Verlag, Bern. 3

3 Baur, B., Duelli, P., Edwards, P.J., Jenny, M., Klaus, G., Künzle, I., Martinez, S., Pauli, D., Peter, K., Schmid, B., Seidl, I., Suter, W. (2004). Biodiversität in der Schweiz — Zustand, Erhaltung, Perspektiven. Haupt Verlag, Bern. 25

2 Klaus, G. C, Schmill, J., Schmid, B., Edwards, P.J. (2001). Diversité biologique — les perspectives du siècle naissant. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel. 2

1 Klaus, G. C, Schmill, J., Schmid, B., Edwards, P.J. (2001). Biologische Vielfalt — Perspektiven für das neue Jahrhundert. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel. 11

Edited books

2 Marhold, K. C, Schmid, B. C, Krahulec, F. C (1999). Ecology of closely related plant species. Opulus Press, Uppsala. 1

1 Schmid, B., Stöcklin, J. (1991). Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel. 13

Other published material

3 Amrhein, N., Apel, K., Baginsky, S., Buchmann, N., Geisler, M., Keller, F., Körner, C., Martinoia, E., Merbold, L., Müller, C., Paschke, M., Schmid, B. (2012). Plant Response to Stress. Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center. 0

2 Hansen, D.M., Härri, S.A., Schmid, B. (2008). Christine Beatrice Müller 1961–2008. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 39(2): 20-21. 0

1 Wang, S. PI, Lin, G. PI, Schmid, B. PI (2008). Editorial. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 1. 0


1 Schmid, B.[W.] (1980). Carex flava L. s.l. im Lichte der r-Selektion. PhD thesis, University of Zurich. 24


3 Lavorel, S. PI, Sarthou, J.P. PI, Carré, G. C, Chauvel, B. C, Cortet, J. C, Dajoz, I. C, Dupraz, C. C, Farruggia, A. C, Lavergne, S. C, Liagre, F. C, Lumaret, J.-P. C, Quétier, F. C, Roger-Estrade, J. C, Schmid, B. C, Simon, S. C, Steinberg, C. C, Tichit, M. C, Vaissière, B. C, van Tuinen, F. C, Villenave, C. C (2008). Chapitre 2. Intérêts de la biodiversité pour les services rendus par les écosystèmes. ESCo "Agriculture et biodiversité". INRA (France), pp. 1-266. 0

2 Bergamini, A. PI, Peintinger, M. C, Fakheran, S. S, Joshi, J. C, Moradi, H. S, Schmid, B. PI, Scheidegger, C. C (2007). Langfristige Veränderungen in Flachmooren: Welchen Einfluss haben Bewirtschaftungsform und Höhenlage. WSL, Birmensdorf. 0

1 Pfisterer, A.B. PI, Balvanera, P. C, Buchmann, N. C, He, J.-S. C, Nakashizuka, T. C, Raffaelli, D. C, Schmid, B. PI (2005). The Role of Biodiversity for Ecosystem Services: Current Knowledge. Swiss Biodiversity Forum, Bern. 6

Data sets

12 Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275.

11 Weigelt, Alexandra; De Luca, Enrica; Roscher, Christiane; Temperton, Vicky; Buchmann, Nina; Fischer, Markus; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Schmid, Bernhard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of aboveground community and species-specific plant biomass from the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.866358

10 De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus (2016): Aboveground plant community and species-specific vegetation cover from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2010). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865273. In: Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275

9 Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Schmid, Bernhard (2016): Aboveground plant community and species-specific vegetation cover from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2013). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865274. In: Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275.

8 Roscher, Christiane; Schmid, Bernhard; Weisser, Wolfgang (2016): Aboveground plant community and species-specific vegetation cover from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2004). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865264. In: Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275.

7 Marquard, Elisabeth; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Schmid, Bernhard (2016): Aboveground plant community and species-specific vegetation cover from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2007). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865269. In: Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275.

6 Marquard, Elisabeth; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Schmid, Bernhard (2016): Aboveground plant community and species-specific vegetation cover from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2006). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865268. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865267. In: Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275.

5 Marquard, Elisabeth; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Schmid, Bernhard (2016): Aboveground plant community and species-specific vegetation cover from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2005). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865267. In: Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275.

4 Roscher, Christiane; Schmid, Bernhard; Weisser, Wolfgang (2016): Aboveground plant community and species-specific vegetation cover from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865261. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865267. In: Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275.

3 Roscher, Christiane; Schmid, Bernhard; Weisser, Wolfgang (2016): Aboveground plant community and species-specific vegetation cover from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2003). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865262. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865267. In: Temperton, Vicky; Marquard, Elisabeth; Roscher, Christiane; De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wagg, Cameron; Buchmann, Nina; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of vegetation and soil surface cover in the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865275.

2 De Luca, Enrica; Weigelt, Alexandra; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus (2016): Aboveground community and species-specific plant biomass from the Jena Experiment (Main Experiment, year 2010). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.866305. In: Weigelt, Alexandra; De Luca, Enrica; Roscher, Christiane; Temperton, Vicky; Buchmann, Nina; Fischer, Markus; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Schmid, Bernhard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of aboveground community and species-specific plant biomass from the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.866358.

1 De Luca, Enrica; Schmid, Bernhard; Weigelt, Alexandra; Fischer, Markus (2016): Aboveground plant biomass from the Jena Experiment (Monocultures, year 2010). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.866319. In: Weigelt, Alexandra; De Luca, Enrica; Roscher, Christiane; Temperton, Vicky; Buchmann, Nina; Fischer, Markus; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Schmid, Bernhard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luo, Guangjuan; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias (2016): Collection of aboveground community and species-specific plant biomass from the Jena Experiment (time series since 2002). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.866358.