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LV, Zhi




Lu Zhi is the deputy director of Peking University Center for Nature and Society. The center’s research field includes: to set up a base of scientific expertise in nature conservation and sustainable development, China’s conservation policy research, to implement and promote best conservation practice in China, and to carry out conservation leadership training, and to offer conservation education. By doing this we aim to influence public consciousness and alter consumer behavior.
Our research projects includes: the setup of biodiversity database and policy support system; conservation biology study on endangered species (giant pandas, white-headed langurs, Chiese white dolphins, Asiatic black bears, Kiangs, and Chinese desert cats; monitoring mammals using infra-red triggered camera; rapid assessment of biodiversity in hotspot area (RAP), wildlife-human conflicts in Tibet area, and the role of Sacred Lands in biodiversity conservatin – the relationship between biodiversity and culture diversity. These projects distribute in Inner-Mongolia, Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guangxi.