Tel: 010-62754039
2003.12: 理学博士. 北京大学城市与环境学系(环境学院). PhD, Peking University
1998.07: 理学学士. 北京大学城市与环境学系. BSc, Peking University
2007.08- 北京大学城市与环境学院生态学系副教授 Associate Professor, Peking University
2009.10-2010.10: 英国谢菲尔德大学动植物科学系访问学者 Visiting Researcher, University of Sheffield
2004.10-2007.08: 北京大学城市与环境学院(环境学院)生态学系讲师 Lecturer, Peking University
2001.10-2003.10: 德国汉诺威大学生物学系奔驰学者 Daimler-Benz Fellow, Leibniz University of Hanover
2018: 北京大学曾宪梓优秀教学奖
2013: 教育部自然科学一等奖 (“中国木本植物分布及其与环境的关系”, 第3完成人). Natural Science Award (1st level), Ministry of Education of China
2010: 中国出版政府奖-图书奖 (方精云,王志恒,唐志尧. 中国木本植物分布图集. 高等教育出版社 2009) Chinese Government Award for Publishing-Books (Chinese National Book Award) (Jingyun Fang, Zhiheng Wang, Zhiyao Tang. Atlas of woody plants in China: Distribution and Climate. Higher Education Press-Springer, 2011)
本科生课程 (Undergraduates):
普通生态学2-群落生态学与生态系统生态学 (General Ecology- part II)、野外生态学 (Field Ecology)欢迎生态学、自然地理学及相关学科学生联系报考;欢迎本科生加入课题组开展学术活动。主要研究方向见科研课题部分。
Prospective students interested in different aspects of ecology and/or biogeography are welcome. Please contact: zytang(at)urban.pku.edu.cn
主要研究方向 Research topics
1). 中国山地植物群落多样性与群落构建机制 Assembly of
plant communities in China`s mountains
长期致力于中国山地植物群落多样性格局与群落构建机制研究。在大量野外调查的基础上,组织构建了物种信息和环境信息齐全的 “中国山地植物群落数据库”,该数据库含1600个森林样方、1200个灌丛样方以及400个草地从物种多样性、谱系多样性和功能多样性三方面探讨了我国 山地植物alpha-和beta-多样性分布格局,初步阐释了我国山地植物群落的构建机制和多样性维持机制;发现扩散限制与环境筛选共同制约的我国山地植 物群落的构建,两者的相对具有显著的纬度格局。
2). 中国东部森林树木生长的格局及其机制 Patterns and mechanisms of tree growths in eastern China
生长是森林的主要功能体现,也是森林碳汇形成的最主要过程。森林树木生长主要受到物种属性、立地条件、邻体关系以及树木大小等因素的调控,研究不同个体的 生长速率及其控制因素同时也体现了森林群落内物种共存的机制。为实时精确监测我国森林植物生长,研究我国森林碳汇形成以及树木生长的机制,并探讨我国森林 群落构建机制,从2011年开始建立“中国东部森林生长监测平台”。在我国东部的17座山体选择32种地带性群落设立98个永久样方,对样方内所有 DBH≥5cm 的树木安装了生长环,并对主要优势树种的生长进行连续监测。森林生长监测网络平台的建立,将为进一步精确计量我国森林生长的分布格局及其成因,研究生物多 样性与生态系统功能关系,并从物种之间的相互关系来探索森林植物群落构建与物种共存机制提供了基础。
3). 中国北方温带灌丛植被的分布、结构与功能 Distribution, structure and function of shrublands in northern China
灌丛在群落演替过程以及区域生态环境保护方面具有极其重要的作用。然而由于分布广泛、种类繁多,有关灌丛的群落生态学研究受到限制。在这一背 景下,针对我国北方的原生灌丛,采取统一的标准和方法系统调查我国灌丛生态系统的物种组成及其属性,并选取典型的灌丛类型开展氮添加实验研究,以探讨我国 地带性灌丛植被的组成、结构与功能及其对氮沉降的响应。
4). 中国自然保护区的有效性评价 Effectiveness of
nature reserves in China
自然保护区的有效性是减缓生物多样性丧失的关键。为保护巨大的生物多样性,中国共建立了2500多个自然保护区,这些保护区的成效是我国生物多样性保护的关 键。课题组通过数字化构建了我国现有自然保护区空间数据库;在此基础上,利用精确的物种分布数据,确定了中国生物多样性分布热点地区及保护空白;利用长时 间序列的植被遥感数据,构建了检验自然保护区有效性的方法,通过分析我国木本植物及珍稀濒危植物(以及兰科植物)在保护区中的覆盖状况,评价了中国现有国 家级自然保护区在体现物种多样性与生态系统多样性的现状。
1. Guo YP, Schöb C, Ma WH, Mohammat A, Liu HY, Yu SL, Jiang YX, Schmid B, Tang ZY*, 2019. Increasing water availability and facilitation weaken biodiversity–biomass relationships in shrublands. Ecology doi: 10.1002/ecy.2624.
2. Zhang Q, Liu Q, Yin HJ, Zhao CZ, ..., Tang ZY*, Xie ZQ*, 2018. C: N: P stoichiometry of Ericaceae species in shrubland biomes across Southern China: influences of climate, soil and species identity. Journal of Plant Ecology (accepted ms) doi: 10.1093/jpe/rty033.
3. Bruelheide H, Dengler J, Jiménez-Alfaro B, et al. 2019. sPlot – a new tool for global vegetation analyses. Journal of Vegetation Sciences doi: 10.1111/jvs.12710.
4. Wang QG, Chi XL, Tang ZY, Jiang MX, 2019. Analyzing tree neighborhood interactions in ecotones of montane evergreen and deciduous forests in China. Journal of Vegetation Sciences doi: 10.1111/jvs.12737.
5. Tang ZY#, Xu WT#, Zhou GY#, et al. 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. PNAS 115: 4033-4038. doi:10.1073/PNAS.1700295114. (#equal contribution)
6. Tang XL#, Zhao X#, Bai YF#, Tang ZY#, et al. 2018. Carbon pools in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: new estimates based on an intensive field survey. PNAS 115: 4021–4026. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1700291115 (#equal contribution)
7. Chen SP, Wang WT, Xu WT, et al. 2018. Plant diversity enhances productivity and soil carbon storage. PNAS 115: 4027-4032. doi:10.1073/PNAS.1700298114.
8. Lu F, Hu HF, Sun WJ, et al., 2018. The effects of national ecological restoration projects on carbon sequestration in China from 2001 to 2010. PNAS 115: 4039-4044. doi: 10.1073/PNAS.1700294115.
9. Huang YY, Chen YX, Castro-Izaguirre N, et al., 2018. Strong imparcts of biodiversity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science 362: 80-83.
10. Bruelheide H, Dengler J, Purschke P, et al. 2018. Global trait-environment relationships of plant communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 1907-1918. doi: 10.1038/s41559-018-0699-8.
11. Schuldt A, Assmann T, Brezzi M, et al. 2018. Biodiversity across trophic levels drives multifunctionality in highly diverse forests. Nature Communications 9: 2989.
12. Liu XJ, Trogisch S, He JS, et al. Niklaus PA, Bruelheide H, Tang ZY, et al. 2018. Tree species richness increases ecosystem carbon storage in subtropical forests. Proc. Royal Society B 285: 20181240.
13. Shrestha N, Wang ZH, Su XY, et al. 2018. Global patterns of Rhododendron diversity: The role of evolutionary time and diversification rates. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 913-924.
14. Tian D, Yan ZB, Niklas KJ, et al. 2018. Global leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and their scaling exponent. National Science Review 5: 728-739. doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx142.
15. Zhang Q, Xiong GM, Li JX et al., 2018. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and allocation strategies among shrub organs: the effects of plant growth forms and nitrogen fixation type. Plant and Soil 427: 305-319.
16. Zhao H, Xu L, Wang QF, et al. 2018. Spatial patterns and environmental factors influencing leaf carbon content in the forests and shrublands of China. Journal of Geographical Science 28: 791-801.
17. 唐志尧, 蒋旻炜, 张健, 张新悦. 2018. 航空航天遥感在生物多样性研究与保护中的应用. 生物多样性 26: 807-818.
18. 张则瑾, 郭焱培, 贺金生, 唐志尧*. 2018. 中国极小种群野生植物的保护现状评估. 生物多样性26: 572-577.
19. 刘鸿雁, 唐志尧, 朱彪. 野外生态学实习指导. 北京大学出版社. 2018.
20. 谢宗强, 王杨, 唐志尧, 徐文婷. 中国常见灌木生物量模型手册. 科学出版社. 2018.
21. Chi XL, Zhang ZJ, Xu XT, ..., Tang ZY*, Huang LQ*. 2017. Threatened medicinal plants in China: distributions and conservation priorities. Biological Conservation 210: 89-95. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.04.015.
22. Chi XL, Guo Q, Fang JY, Schmid B, Tang ZY*. 2017. Seasonal characteristic and determinants of tree growth in a Chinese subtropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 4-12.
23. Eigenbrod F., Tang ZY*, Eisner S., Flörke M., Zhao GH. 2017. Spatial covariance of ecosystem services and poverty in China. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services& Management 13: 422-433.
24. Guo YP, Yang X, Schöb C, Jiang YX, Tang ZY*. 2017. Legume shrubs are more nitrogen-homeostatic than non-legume shrubs. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 8: 1662.
25. Guo Q, Chi XL, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY*. 2017. Asymemetric competition for light varies across functional groups. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 74-80.
26. Yan YJ, Li Y, Wang WJ, ..., Tang ZY*, Yao Y-J*. 2017. Range shifts in reponse to climate change of Ophiocordyceps sinensis, a fungus endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. Biological Conservation 206: 143-150.
27. Cai Y, Tang ZY, Xiong GM, et al, 2017. Different composition and distribution patterns of mineral‐protected versus hydrolyzable lipids in shrubland soils. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeoscience 122: 2206-2218.
28. Eziz A, Yan ZB, Tian D, Han WX, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2017. Drought effect on plant biomass allocation: A meta-analysis. Ecology and Evolution 7: 11002-11010.
29. Yan ZB, Tian D, Han WX, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2017. An assessment on the uncertainty of the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio as a threshold for nutrient limitation in plants. Annals of Botany 120: 937-942.
30. Zhu JX, Hu HF, Tao SL, et al. 2017. Carbon stocks and changes of dead organic matter in China`s forests. Nature Communications 8: 151.
31. 郭焱培, 杨弦, 安尼瓦尔·买买提, 刘鸿雁, 马文红, 于顺利, 唐志尧*. 2017. 中国北方温带灌丛生态系统碳、氮、磷储量. 植物生态学报 41: 14-21.
32. 杨弦, 郭焱培,安尼瓦尔·买买提, 刘鸿雁, 马文红, 于顺利, 唐志尧*. 2017.中国北方温带灌丛生物量的分布及其与环境的关系. 植物生态学报 41: 22–30.
33.谢宗强, 唐志尧. 2017. 中国灌丛生态系统碳储量的研究. 植物生态学报 41: 1-4.
34. 张建华, 唐志尧, 沈海花, 方精云. 2017. 北京东灵山地区常见灌丛生长及凋落物生产对氮添加的响应. 植物生态学报 41: 71-80.
35. 张建华, 唐志尧, 沈海花, 方精云. 2017. 氮添加对北京东灵山地区灌丛土壤呼吸的影响. 植物生态学报 41: 81-94.
36. Dallimer M#, Tang ZY#, Gaston KJ, Davies ZG. 2016. The extent of shifts in vegetation phenology between rural and urban areas within a human-dominated region. Ecology and Evolution 6: 1942-1953. (#Equal contribution)
37. Yang X, Chi XL, Liu HY, ..., Tang ZY*. 2016. Variations of leaf N, P concentrations in shrubland biomes across Northern China: phylogeny, climate and soil. Biogeosciences 13: 4429-4438.
38. Castro-Izaguirre N, Chi XL, Baruffol M, Tang ZY, et al. 2016. Tree diversity enhances stand carbon storage but not leaf area in a subtropical forest. PLoS ONE 11: e0167771.
39. Tao SL, Guo QH, Wu FF, et al. 2016. Spatial scale and pattern dependences of aboveground biomass estimation from satellite images: a case study of the Sierra National Forest, California. Landscape Ecology 31: 1711-1723.
40. Chi XL, Tang ZY*, Xie ZQ, et al. 2015. Effects of size, neighbors and site conditions on tree growth in a subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest. Ecolgy and Evolution 5: 5149-5161.
41. Liu YN, Tang ZY*, Fang JY. 2015. Contribution of environmental filtering and dispersal limitation to species turnover of temperate deciduous broadleaved forests in China. Applied Vegetation Science 18: 34-42.
42. Qiao XJ, Jabot F, Tang ZY*, Jiang MX, Fang JY. 2015. A latitudinal gradient in tree community assembly processes evidenced in forests of China. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 314-323.
43. Zhang JH, Li H, Shen HH, Chen YH, Fang JY, Tang ZY*. 2015. Effects of nitrogen addition on nitrogen resorption in temperate shrublands in northern China. PLoS ONE 10: e0130434.
44. Zhang JH, Tang ZY*, Luo YK, et al. 2015. Resorption efficiency of leaf nutrients in woody plants on Mt. Dongling of Beijing, North China. Journal of Plant Ecology 8: 530-538.
45. Zhang ZJ, Yan YJ, Tian Y, Li JS, He JS, Tang ZY*. 2015. Distribution and conservation of orchid species richness in China. Biological Conservation 181: 64-72.
46. Zhang ZJ, He JS, Li JS, Tang ZY*. 2015. Distribution and conservation of threatened plants in China. Biological Conservation 192: 454-460.
47. Lin L, Tang L, Bai YJ, Tang ZY, Wang W. Chen ZD. 2015. Range expansion and habitat shift trigered elevated diversification of the rice genus (Oriza, Poaceae) during the Pleistocene. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 182.
48. Qiao XJ, Li QX, Jiang QH, et al. 2015. Beta diversity determinants in Badagongshan, a subtropical forest in central China. Scientific Reports 5: 17043.
49. Tao SL, Fang JY, Zhao X, et al. 2015. Rapid loss of lakes on the Mongolian Plateau. PNAS 112: 2281-2286.
50. Wu X, Wang XP, Tang ZY, et al. 2015. The relationship between species richness and biomass changes from boreal to subtropical forests in China. Ecography 38: 602-613.
51. Chi XL, Tang ZY*, Fang JY. 2014. Patterns of phylogenetic beta diversity in China’s grasslands in relation to geographic and environmental distances. Basic and Applied Ecology 15: 415-426.
52. Yang X, Tang ZY*, Ji CJ, et al. 2014. Scaling of nitrogen and phosphorus across plant organs in shrubland biomes across Northern China. Scientific Reports 4: 5448.
53. Yan YJ, Yang X, Tang ZY*. 2013. Patterns of species diversity and phylogenetic structure of vascular plants on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution 3: 4584–4595.
54. Chen YH, Han WX, Tang LY, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2013. Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of woody plants differ in responses to climate, soil and plant growth form. Ecography 36: 178–184.
55. Li LP, Wang ZH, Zerbe S, Abdusalih N, Tang ZY, et al. 2013. Species richness patterns and water-energy dynamics in the drylands of Northwest China. PLoS ONE 8: e66450.
56. Barrufol M, Schmid B, Bruelheide H, et al. 2013. Biodiversity promotes tree growth during succession in subtropical forest. PLoS ONE 8: e 81246.
57. 赵广华, 田瑜, 唐志尧*, 李俊生, 曾辉, 2013. 中国国家级陆地自然保护区分布及其与人类活动和自然环境的关系. 生物多样性 21: 658–665.
58. Qiao XJ, Tang ZY*, Wang SP, Liu YN, Fang JY. 2012. Effects of community structure on the species -area relationship in China’s forests. Ecography 35: 1117-1123.
59. Tang ZY*, Fang JY, Chi XL, et al. 2012. Patterns of plant beta-diversity along elevational and latitudinal gradients in mountain forests of China. Ecography 35: 1083-1091.
60. Tang ZY*, Fang JY, Chi XL, et al. 2012. Geography, environment, and spatial turnover of species in China’s grasslands. Ecography 35: 1103-1109.
61. Wang SP, Tang ZY*, Qiao XJ, Shen ZH, Zheng CY, Fang JY. 2012. Influences of species pool and local processes on the taxonomic structure of woody plant communities in China’s mountains. Ecography 35: 1168-1175.
62. Fang JY, Shen ZH, Tang ZY, et al. 2012. Forest community survey and the structural characteristics of forests in China. Ecography 35: 1059-1071.
63. Fang JY, Wang XP, Liu YN, Tang ZY, White PS, Sanders NJ. 2012. Multi-scale patterns of forest structure and species composition in relation to climate in northeast China. Ecography 35:1072-1082.
64. Qiao XJ, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Fang JY. 2012. What causes geographical variation in the species-area relationships? A test from forests in China. Ecography 35: 1110-1116.65. Shen ZH, Fei SL, Feng JM, et al. 2012. Geographical patterns of community-based tree species richness in Chinese mountain forests: the effects of contemporary climate and regional history. Ecography 35: 1134-1146.
66. Wang XP, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Zheng CY, Luo JC, Fang JY. 2012. Relative influence of regional species richness vs. local climate on local species richness in China’s forests. Ecography 35: 1176-1184.
67. Wang ZH, Fang JY, Tang ZY, Lin X. 2012. Relative role of contemporary environment versus history in shaping diversity patterns of China’s woody plants. Ecography 35: 1124-1133.
68. Wang ZH, Fang JY, Tang ZY, Shi L. 2012. Geographical patterns in the beta diversity of China’s woody plants: the influence of space, environment and range size. Ecography 35: 1192-1202.
69. Fang JY, Wang ZH, Tang ZY, Brown JH. 2012. Large-scale patterns of tree species richness and the metabolic theory of ecology. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21:508-512.
70. Fang JY, Wang ZH, Tang ZY. Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distribution and Climate. Higher Education Press -Springer. 2011 (= 方精云, 王志恒, 唐志尧, 中国木本植物分布图集. 北京: 高等教育出版社).
71. Dallimer M#, Tang ZY#, Bibby PR, Brindley P, Gaston KJ, Davies
ZG*. 2011. Temporal changes in greenspace in a highly urbanised region. Biology
Letters 7: 763-766. (#equal contribution)
72. Tang ZY*, Fang JY, Sun JY, Gaston KJ. 2011. Effectiveness of protected areas in maintaining plant production. PLoS ONE 6: e19116.
73. Shi L, Zhao SQ, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2011. The changes in China’s forests: an analysis using the forest identity. PLoS ONE 6: e20778.
74. Wang ZH, Fang JY, Tang ZY, Lin X. 2011. Patterns, determinants and models of woody plant diversity in China. Proc. Royal Society B-Biol. Sci. 278: 2122-2132.
75. 池秀莲, 唐志尧*. 2011. 面积、温度以及分布区限制对物种丰富度海拔格局的影响:以秦岭太白山为例. 植物生态学报 35: 362-370.
76. 李利平, 努尔巴依·阿布都沙力克, 王少鹏, 王志恒, 唐志尧*. 2011. 新疆野生维管束植物物种丰富度分布格局的水热解释. 干旱区研究 28: 25-30.
77. 李利平, 尹林克, 唐志尧*. 2011. 新疆野生动植物物种丰富度的分布格局. 干旱区研究 28: 1-9.
78. 李利平, 安尼瓦尔 买买提, 郭兆迪, 海鹰, 唐志尧. 2011. 新疆山地针叶林植物物种组成与丰富度研究.干旱区研究 28:41-46.
79. 李利平, 海鹰, 安尼瓦尔 买买提, 唐志尧, 2011. 方精云新疆伊犁地区野果林的群落特征及保护. 干旱区研究 28: 60-66.
80. 李利平, 刘怿宁, 唐志尧, 郭兆迪, 方精云. 2011. 新疆山地针叶林的群落结构及其影响因素. 干旱区研究 28: 31-39.
81. 乔秀娟, 唐志尧, 安尼瓦尔·买买提, 方精云. 2011. 天山南北坡植物种-面积关系.干旱区研究 28: 54-59.
2010 and before
82. Yang YH, Fang JY, Ji CJ, Ma WH, Su SS, Tang ZY. 2010. Soil inorganic carbon stock in the Tibetan alpine grasslands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24: GB4022.
83. Fang JY, Wang SP, Yue C, Zhu JL, Guo ZD, He CF, Tang ZY. 2009. Scenario analysis on the global carbon emission reduction goal proposed in the declaration of the 2009 G8 Summit. Science in China D 52: 1694-1702.
84. Wang XP, Fang JY, Sanders NJ, White PS, Tang ZY. 2009. Relative importance of climate vs local factors in shaping the regional patterns of forest plant richness across northeast China. Ecography 32: 133-142.
85. Wang ZH, Brown JH, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2009. Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America. PNAS 106: 13388-13392.
86. Walter GR, Gritti ES, Berger S, Hickler T, Tang ZY, Sykes MT. 2007. Palms tracking climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 801-809.
87. Wang ZH, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2007. Altitudinal patterns of seed plant richness in the Gaoligong Mountains, southeast Tibet, China. Diversity and Distributions 12: 845-854.
88. Wu XP, Tang ZY, Cui HT, Fang JY. 2007. Land cover dynamics of different topographic conditions in Beijing, China. Frontiers in Biology in China 2: 463-473.
89. Tang ZY*, Fang JY. 2006. Temperature variation along the northern and southern slopes of Mt. Taibai, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 139: 200-207.
90. Tang ZY, Wang ZH, Zheng CY, Fang JY*. 2006. Biodiversity in China’s mountains. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4: 347-352.
91. Wang XP, Fang JY, Tang ZY, Zhu B. 2006. Climatic control of primary forest structure and DBH-height allometry in NE China. Forest Ecology and Management 234: 264-274.
92. Fang JY, Wang ZH, Zhao SQ, Li YK, Tang ZY, et al. 2006. Biodiversity changes in the lakes of the Central Yangtze. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4: 369-377.
93. Wang XP, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2006. Climatic control on forests and tree species distribution in the forest region of, northeast China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48: 778-789.
94. Zhao SQ, Da LJ, Tang ZY, Fang HJ, Song K, Fang JY. 2006. Ecological consequences of rapid u, rban expansion: Shanghai, China. Front. Ecology Environment 4: 341-346.
95. Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Peng CH, Tang ZY. 2006. Relationships between species richness of vascular plants and terrestrial vertebrates in China: analyses based on data of nature reserves. Diversity and Distributions 12:189-194.
96. Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Peng CH, Tang ZY. 2006. The relationships between terrestrial vertebrate species richness in China`s nature reserves and environmental variables. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1368-1374.
97. Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Peng CH, Tang ZY, Piao SL. 2006. Patterns of fish species richness in China`s lakes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 15:386-394.
98. Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Miao SL, Gu B, Tao S, Peng CH, Tang ZY. 2005. Degradation of a large freshwater lake in Central Yangtze River, China. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 431-436.
99. Zhao, SQ, Fang, JY, Ji W, Tang ZY. 2003. Lake restoration from impoldering: impact of land conversion on riparian landscape in Honghu Lake area, Central Yangtze. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 95: 111-118.
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103. 刘怿宁, 乔秀娟, 唐志尧. 2010. 寻求生物多样性分布格局的形成机制. 自然杂志 32: 260-266.
104. 唐志尧, 乔秀娟, 方精云. 2009. 生物群落的种—面积关系. 生物多样性 17: 549-559.
105. 唐志尧, 王志恒, 方精云. 2009. 生物多样性分布格局的地史成因假说. 生物多样性 17: 635- 643.
106. 陈雅涵, 唐志尧, 方精云. 2009. 中国自然保护区分布现状及合理布局的探讨. 生物多样性 17: 664-674.
107. 方精云, 王少鹏, 岳超, 朱江玲, 郭兆迪, 贺灿飞, 唐志尧. 2009. “八国集团”2009意大利峰会减排目标下的全球碳排放情景分析. 中国科学D辑 39: 1339-1346.
108. 方精云, 王襄平, 沈泽昊, 唐志尧, 贺金生, 于丹, 江源, 王志恒, 郑成洋, 朱江玲, 郭兆迪. 2009.植物群落清查的主要内容、方法和技术规范. 生物多样性 17: 533-548.
109. 方精云, 王襄平, 唐志尧. 2009. 局域和区域过程共同控制着群落的物种多样性:种库假说. 生物多样性 17: 605-612.
110. 林鑫, 王志恒, 唐志尧, 赵淑清, 方精云. 2009. 中国陆栖哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理格局及其与环境因子的关系. 生物多样性 17: 652-663.
111. 王襄平, 方精云, 唐志尧. 2009. 中域效应假说:模型、证据和局限性. 生物多样性 17: 568-578
112. 王志恒, 唐志尧, 方精云. 2009. 生态学代谢理论: 基于个体新陈代谢过程解释物种多样性的地理格局. 生物多样性 17: 625-634.
113. 王志恒, 唐志尧, 方精云. 2009. 物种多样性地理格局的能量假说. 生物多样性 17: 613-624.
114. 吴晓莆, 唐志尧, 崔海亭, 方精云. 2006. 北京地区不同地形条件下的土地覆盖动态. 植物生态学报 30:239-251.
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116. 唐志尧, 方精云, 张玲. 2004. 秦岭太白山木本植物多样性的梯度格局及环境解释, 生物多样性 12: 115-122.
117. 唐志尧, 方精云. 2004. 植物物种多样性的垂直分布格局, 生物多样性 12: 20-28.
118. 唐志尧, 柯金虎. 2004. 秦岭牛背梁植物多样性垂直分布格局, 生物多样性 12: 108-114.
119. 方精云, 沈泽昊, 唐志尧, 王志恒. 2004. “中国山地植物物种多样性调查计划”及若干技术规范. 生物多样性 12: 5-10.
120. 方精云, 柯金虎, 唐志尧, 陈安平. 2001. 生物生产力的"4P"概念、估算及其相互关系. 植物生态学报 25: 414-419.
121. 戴君虎,崔海亭,唐志尧,黄永梅.2001. 太白山高山带环境特征. 山地学报 19: 299-305
122. 赵淑清, 方精云, 唐志尧, 朴世龙. 2001. 洪湖湖区土地利用/ 土地覆盖时空格局研究 应用生态学报 12: 721-725.
123. 唐志尧,戴君虎,黄永梅.1999. 太白山高山林线植被的数量分析, 山地学报 17: 294-299.